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Alexis's pov

I whined softly and rolled my shoulders my skin felt sticky and muggy I frowned and fluttered my eyes open

I was met by ink, ink of a bird a smiled it was Harry no wonder I was feeling sticky we were both sweaty and nasty when we fell asleep I sat up and squeaked moaning softly I covered my mouth and looked down at Harry he didn't moved

I'd just now realized I hadn't gotten off of him before I fell asleep I put my hand on his chest he twitched but didn't wake up I slowly tried to slip off him

He groaned loudly as I got off his lip tugged to a frown for a second I crawled off the bed and walked into the bathroom I frowned I was so sweaty and gross I peeked out the bathroom to look at the time

2:37 am

I sighed and turned to my shower turning it on closing the bathroom so the light wouldn't wake Harry

I waited for it to warm then stepped in humming I got my hair wet ready to be washed but I wanted to wash my body first I started to sing softly

"And I can't help falling in love with yooou" I whisper sang Elvis's words but no where as near as good as him

After I finished my hair I squeezed out what extra water I could and opened the curtain

"That was lovely" I screamed bloody murder

Harry whined and covered his ears I pulled the curtain to cover me "what are you doing?!" I yelled

He uncovered his ears "I woke up and you weren't there and I heard you singing so I came to listen I wanted to join you but I didn't wanna scare you..." he shrugged

I sighed "I was only gone for like 10 minutes"

"That's 10 whole minutes exactly" he whined I laughed softly

"I'll get out and you can use the shower" I smiled

He pouted "No I wanna shower with you"

"But I just showered" I laughed

"Nooooo" he stomped I rolled my eyes

"Okay come in Harry I'll hang out in here with you" he smirked and got in pulling me to kiss him

He paused for a second and pulled away staring at me keeping me at arms length "What?" I frowned he looked so concentrated

"You smell different..." he mumbled

I looked down at myself in confusion "like what? I've used all the same stuff as always..."

He rolled his jaw "I don't know what it is it's very very faint..." he tilted his head and started to lower down he sniffed near my stomach and I blushed deeply he looked up at me through his lashes "it smells... feminine"

I shook my head "I don't know is it perfume like?"


"I did have a woman drop perfume in the store and it spilled on the counter and all on my lap I washed the clothes but it was soaked through"

"That's probably it" he nodded and stood back up smiling at me "didn't mean to freak you out" he laughed

"Well I'm thoroughly freaked out thanks babe" I covered my face groaning

He nudged his nose to my hands "babyyyy..." I peeked he smiled "wash me please?" I laughed

"You're fully capable of washing yourself Harry"

"But your nails feel so good please please please?" He whined making his dog whining along with his begging I sighed and rolled my eyes

"Okay! Fine sure" he smiled widely and held my hips I grabbed the shampoo and squirted a pool of it on his head and started to scrub he closed his eyes and held my hips to keep himself steady

Harry looked so peaceful his thumbs rubbed my hip bones I finished his hair and rinsed it out "there good to go..." I realized there wasn't a rag "there's no rag in here for you" I smirked wanting to see him run on the cold tile to go get one

"You don't need one" he smirked

My eyes widened "what?"

He grabbed the body wash grabbed my hand a put a bit in my palm "have at it" he looked down at me in amusement

"Uhh wait what?" I repeated he grabbed my hands rubbing them together then putting them on his chest

"I'm a dirty boy Alexis clean me up" I bit my lip and started to rub

I went from his pecks up over his shoulder muscles and arms then back to his chest working down his abs I traced his v-lines more than washed them I leaned down getting pretty close to his length which wasn't limp and flaccid I swallowed hard and went to his thighs

"You missed a spot" he grinned I looked up innocently

"I don't think I did" I answered pretty timidly

"No silly girl you did" he grabbed my hand putting it on his length "that's the messiest bit there you gotta scrub it clean" I didn't move he chuckled "need help there mm?" He pumped my hand

I went to stand he tisked "ah ah you're perfect where you're at" his other hand went on my head

"That soap is close to my face I'm scared" I whined just to tease him he chuckled again

"Ooh yes I'm sorry darling wouldn't wanna sting those beautiful eyes" he let me stand but held my hand in place and moving

"Now that's a smell I'm familiar with..." he moaned and pressed me again the shower wall leaning to my ear "arousal" he growled

I whimpered he kissed on my shoulder then bit me I moaned out loud soon Harry's claws rounded over my finger tips he quickly removed his hand but I didn't stop

"It's 3 am Harry" I whined as he nibbled my neck dragging his teeth yanking my hand off and forcing my thighs apart

"You woke me up but I'll get us both back to sleep" he paused and laughed softly "I'll rock you to sleep baby girl"

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