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3rd person pov

"Did he tell you what's wrong?"

Ace was driving back to the den worried about what happened but Alexis was worried if it was safe for Luna to come

"No, not in detail" he was eating at his lip gripping the steering wheel as if someone would try to tug it away from him at any minute

He pulled in to the woods and Jace was standing there Ace got out walking straight to him and Alexis got out getting out Luna she ran over catching the tail end of the conversation

"... anywhere no one has spotted him or can we track him he purposely ran around so his scent is everywhere" Ace nodded and jumped seeing Alexis so close

"What's going on?" Alexis looked between them

"Doctor Peter shot himself he's dead alpha has to see the scene" Jace explained

"Alright lets go" Alexis nodded she hasn't seen him since he ordered her to be held down during labor

"Uh I don't think the scene of safe for a baby it's really bloody" Jace rubbed the back of his neck 

Alexis looked at Luna then at Jace Jace was Ace's right hand man so she believed he'd keep her safe "okay" she passed Luna to Jace kissing her head "try not to let her get her dress dirty" Jace nodded putting her on his hip she took Ace's hand and he walked them to the doctor's house

Ace swallowed hard he wasn't telling the whole truth and in a matter of seconds she'd find that out they stepped into his house wolves were buzzing around some men taking pictures others just indistinctly chatted

She gasped as she saw Peter he was slumped over his coffee table a pool of congealing blood under his head hair, scalp, and brain bits were rotting on the tile floor his hand still clutched around the gun and on the other end of the table was a pile of papers

"How long has he been dead?" Alexis asked looking at Ace

"3 to 4 days" he sighed and closed his eyes "he shot himself out of guilt"

Alexis furrowed her eyebrows "guilt? what guilt? he had no true friends no family what would he feel bad about?"

"Uhh... so" he looked at her letting her hand go she frowned deeply stilling holding her hand out as if he hadn't taken his hand back from her "I think it's appropriate that you read his letter yourself word of mouth doesn't do justice"

She squinted and looked at letter then back at him "what does that letter have to do with me? How do you know what's on it? You said you didn't have details..."

"Just- Just read the letter Alexis" Ace said cooly ignoring her questions

She swallowed hard and walked over her heels clacking on the tiles she grabbed a rag that was on the counter and used it to grab the pages she started to read it

To Whom It May Concern,
    So my body has been found I assume it's been 3-4 days I called in sick I made it convincing and since I have no relatives no one would check up on me it's understandable
   Now matter at hand why have I done such a thing? Guilt I am guilty I am drowning in dispare my depression and anxiety are at astronomical levels that I can't cope with I have done wrong ,no not only a simple misdeed, no I have made a grave mistake something that no matter how much I pleaded or begged or even if I was given forgiveness and allowed to live could I bare with having done
   I thought I could handle this it was orders my loyalty is the fiber, the network of my being but this was beyond me ,beyond with what I could do, I have done things that eat me alive at night ,currently on my 4th consecutive night without slumber, I can't bat an eye without visions of my wrong doings
   First I offer an apology before my confession before my crime makes you violently ill, before my words are of no value to you Morally I'm corrupt it hurts to have to say that but I've hurt others that I am sorry for my sorrow is deep and true my hands shakes with the aching of my very soul I can't make up for what I've done I can tell you why I've done it but it's no excuse there are 2 crimes that devour wholly, endlessly and I am sorry for those being my course of action god only knows how sorry I am for what I've done
   Crime 1 I forced a woman in labor to be held down against her will while I bludgeoned her with orders and harsh comments for an hour this woman screamed and struggled for what was supposed to be a right to motherhood for her but only became a hellish torture they held her fiercely to the extent her hip was cracked even then I offered no kindness then when the baby came I did not give her to her mother I tore her child from her womb and carried it out as if I were a man of stone 
   Crime 2 the worst with multiple wrong doings involved- I followed the orders of Alpha Styles senior and aided him in a fight that should always only be fought fair I gave him a drug to send his opponent into shock he'd taken that advantage ,an advantage to his is own son, plans fell through but Alpha gave me back up orders he'd be dead even if he were alive I ran in and pronounced a breathing, living man dead then carried him off to the morgue once alone I brought his unconscious body home
   He's dead to the world but in this house he lives in a medically induced coma he's restless and constantly fighting to be released though he has no awareness
   Now that I'm dead he'll wake up and I fear for you reading this pray he's gone, pray you'll not meet him he is more animal than man now because of what I've done he may never be in contact with his human side ever again
   He may know you he may think of you deep inside but he is angry, he is hungry, and only trying to survive I take blame for anything his does
   Harry is and always has been Alpha now he's free

Alexis dropped the papers she was shaking

"He's... he's alive?"

Ace walked up behind her wrapping his arms around her kissing her shoulder "he is"

"Where?" She whispered

"I can only show you where he was" he let go taking her hand pulling her with him to a door he opened it showing stairs to a basement he started down glancing back at her to make sure she had the strength to get down by herself she grabbed the railing wobbling a bit because everything was spinning around her

Once they got down there was another room with door, or what was a door before it'd just been bits of wood on the floor, she looked through the hole there has been a bed and some bags with ivs everything was completely ravaged even the cement walls were gouged with claw marks


"Who? what happened?" Ace stepped forward

"He's on a hunting spree we found 7 deer carcasses all shredded and-and... h-he got Jace"

"WHAT?!" Alexis shoved Ace out of the way "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!"

"He got Jace took off one of his arms and all... he's dead"

Alexis's heart stopped "HARRY HAS LUNA HE HAS MY BABY!"

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