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3rd person pov

It'd been 8 days since the blatant attack on Alexis

Harry had woken up with stitches and bandages in his human form very sweaty and blood stained the morning after ,since then Alexis acted as his nurse regardless of all the times he'd told her to sit down, to relax, to not stress herself, and to not be up so much he was more worried of her stressing out and causing the baby harm than he was the fact he could barely move his left arm

He shifted in the bed he was very cold and lonely feeling he reached out but nothing was there subconsciously he knew something was wrong his hand fisted the sheets his eyes opened and he saw the empty side of the bed where Alexis should have been

He sat up "Baby girl?!" he mumbled running his hand through his hair he blinked trying to see if he could see a light under the bathroom door "Baby!" Nothing he sat up scooting himself off the bed he stumbled to the bathroom door and opened it nothing but the night light he sighed and walked to the stairs

He walked down rubbing his arm it was sore as hell "Baaaaaaby girrrrrl!" He whined and stopped at he bottom of the stairs no top lights were on but there was a very dim light coming from the kitchen... the fridge light

He started to inch his way over "Alexis?" He leaned and saw her on the floor "my love are you okay? are you hurt?" His voice dropped he got to the entry of the kitchen and went wide eyed

She was on the ground shoving raw ground beef into her mouth she looked at Harry meat hanging out her mouth and large long wolf claws that held raw chunks

"W-what are you doing?" Harry stepped closer

She growled at him a very true animalistic growl that showed sharp wolf like teeth he backed up and swallowed the lump in his throat "that's nasty baby why don't I go out and get you something better?" She didn't answer "if you want beef I'll go get you tacos... o-or I'll get chicken Hell I'll get both for you" she wasn't giving him the time of day ,which is 3:30 in the morning

He ran back up stairs grabbing his phone running back down he called the doctor he didn't answer the first call or the second but Harry wasn't giving up

"Doctor Peter!" He shouted hearing him pick up

"Uh y-yes? alpha?" He groaned

"it's Alexis" Harry held his distance and held his voice down

"Uh has she grown again?" Peter asked sitting up in bed as a way to force himself to stay awake

"No no I-I woke up a-and she's on the kitchen floor eating raw meat!" He quickly looked away as Alexis looked toward him

"W-wait wait what?" Peter didn't understand he's sure he'd misheard that

"She's eating raw bloody ground beef she's got claws Peter she growled at me and she's got fangs" Harry glanced back and she wasn't looking at him anymore

"Stop her then" Peter shook his head

"She growled at me doctor Peter" Harry was clearly nervous "I can't fight her off firstly Im not hitting a girl much less my girl, second she's pregnant, third I'm wounded"

"W-well it sounds like she's having cravings ,be it extreme cravings, your baby is wolf for sure and what I think is the Baby wants meat I mean straight meat and this is the way it's getting it" it was pretty simple really

"B-but she eats meat at every meal" Harry frowned deeply hearing plastic sounds she'd thrown the black bottom of the meat package

"This won't happen often it's just like when female wolves have cravings what do they do? they change and they hunt regardless what time it is or where they are she may not be wolf but that baby inside her absolutely is" he nodded to himself

"B-but raw meat won't that make her sick?" He could think of a whole host of things that could happen

"I'd say no but I can't say that with much confidence if she seems ill in the morning bring her in and from now on I'd have cooked meat in the fridge cooked chicken, beef I dunno whatever she likes have it ready" Peter sighed "if she craves anything I'd give it to her we now know she can be part wolf maybe not willingly but it can happen so I'd be mindful not to upset her or stress her out that could trigger an outburst"

"Okay yeah" Harry nodded

"Get her into bed as soon as possible I'd take a guess being wolf would take a lot out of her sleep well bring her in if anything seems wrong" Peter hung up and plopped back on his pillow

"W-wait wait Peter?" Harry froze "Doctor Peter!?"

"Harry?" He jolted and turned dropping his phone as Alexis was at his side

But now she was claw free now and no meat dangling from her mouth

"Yes baby?" He mumbled fighting himself not to take a step back from her

"I don't feel well" she whimpered then her knees gave and she fainted

Harry dropped down catching her just before she hit the ground he could smell the meat off her he stood up doing his best to pick her up using his weak arm for her legs he carried her back upstairs and laid her down in the bed he felt for a pulse and there was one a pretty normal one at that he sighed and leaned down kissing her cheek then her bump he pulled the covers up and tucked her in

There was no way he'd be able to sleep tonight without going down into the kitchen and seeing what she did he went back down and the fridge was closed now so he had to turn the light now he took a deep breath

There was a little puddle of blood on the floor with only tiny chunks of meat scattered along the floor he grabbed paper towels cleaning it all up Alexis isn't held responsible for this and he didn't wanna let her have to clean it up either once it was decently clean he took out some disinfectant spray spraying down the area before heading back up he wondered if she'd remember this all when she wakes up

He crawled back in bed and checked her pulse one more time before letting himself relax enough to be able to sleep

"I love you"

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