16|Good for You

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Alexis's pov

I sat at my station waiting for my next appointment to show I was doing an eyebrow waxing

I was playing a matching game on my phone then jumped when a banner popped up over my score and number of moves left

I pouted until I saw the name

Baby Boy

Baby Boy:I've got a few choices of places we can get I'll be over with my laptop tonight and we'll look them over

Me:did you make a slide show too? Haha okay I'll be off at 5 looking forward to it

Baby Boy:great and I'll be bringing dinner with me mum has made us meatloaf
I love you!


I sighed deeply and rolled my jaw

Me:I love you

I smiled I was nervous but it was nice to say it back

"Miss?" I looked up at a teen girl and her mother my appointment I stood up putting my phone down

"Hello ladies ready?" The teen girl sat in my chair

My phone start buzzing on the table top it wasn't one buzz either it was over and over

"Do you need to get that?" The mom asked I laughed

"No it's only my boyfriend" it buzzed at least 10 times consecutively

"That sounds important"

I laughed "no I just said I love him" I kinda blushed hearing myself say that I got out the wax "sit down this is gunna be a tad hot not scolding"

She sat down and I lined her eyebrows I started to apply the wax


I was off much later than planned it's 6:30 and I'm only half way home my phone died I forgot to charge it last night and that was my demise I hope Harry wouldn't be upset with me over it I was texting him throughout the day but it died before 5 when I was supposed to be off

I pulled up and saw Sasha walking a man into her room no Harry outside so can't be sooo pissed I sighed deeply ready to face Harry I got out and went in the elevator I got to my door and before I could get my keys out the door flung open

There stood pissy Harry

"You're almost 2 hours late what the fuck Alexis? and you haven't answered me"

I was bombarded "woah my phone is dead babe I got stuck unloading boxes don't be mad" I pouted holding my dead phone to him he cocked an eyebrow and grabbed me he yanked me forward I hit his chest hard I didn't even have a second to respond to his actions and catch myself it was too quick

He wrapped his arms around me "I was worried about you" he spoke softer he put his face in my neck "mmm you need a bit of a scent touch up darling" he licked a line up my neck I gasped and grabbed his shirt

"Harry... I was fine I promise" I nodded

He sighed deeply and I knew something was wrong "I'm sorry Baby really I am I didn't mean to upset you, you seem really mad at me..."

"It's not just you darling" he shook his head "People were in your house Alexis did you let anyone in?" I jumped away from him wide eyed


"I smell other humans they were in here... in your room" I shook my head my jaw dropped

"N-No no I don't know anyone to even come over c-can you tell anything about them?"

"2 men" he sighed deeply "we'll be moving soon okay don't worry about it but dammit Baby girl I was worried you need to keep your phone on and on you at all times and from now on I don't want you here unless I'm here... the chain was still on when I came in I have no idea how they got in unless they climbed through the balcony"

I looked away and swallowed hard "don't be scared really I am going to protect you you're my mate I'd lay down my life for you without a seconds hesitation know that Baby girl"

I looked back at him and nodded "I-I... I love you"

He smiled widely and picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him scared he'd drop me "I love hearing that once more please let me hear it one more time" he puffed out his lower lip "one more time for me" he smiled widely licking his lips

"I love you Harry Edward Styles" I put my fingers in his hair he kissed me deeply

"I love you, I love you Baby girl" he spoke between kisses

I giggled "can I get down now?" He shook his head

"No, no getting down I'm gunna carry you like a baby, my Baby" he chuckled and patted my bum I giggled

"You gunna show me those apartments anytime soon?" I hummed

"Yes!" He walked to the bed and crawled on still holding me in his lap he opened his laptop

"So since you said a slideshow that's what I've done" I laughed and watched him click around

"We've got a 2 story apartment that's 2 bedroom and 2 bath" he flipped through some pictures

"Mmm I like that but I wanna avoid stairs kinda but I do like that" he nodded

"Mhm pregnant women and stairs not a good combo" he commented and I wouldn't say anything against that "okay next this one is 2 bedroom 2 bath with a bigger kitchen and living room" I bit my lip

"I like that" I nodded

"Well I'll show you the last one but if you like that one we'll get that one" he flipped slides

"This one is 3 bedroom but only one bath"

"I really like option 2" I clicked back and looked at the pictures

"It's the closest one to the woods too" he smiled "perfect I did like this one too I'll call why don't you start dinner and I'll sort this all out"

"Harry what if this place isn't so great pictures can be deceiving" I got worried

"I took these pictures Baby girl"

"ooh well then okay" I nodded "I'll go start dinner" I got off him he caught my shirt

"One more time please my love" he mumbled

"I love you Harry "

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