14|My (Not) Father

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Alexis's pov

"Lexa really I don't know I don't think this is a good idea" I shook my head bitting my lip

"SIS" she yelled "I told you a million times you're always welcome"

"It's Frank's house and Frank's food and Frank isn't very buddy buddy with me" I looked up seeing Harry stepping out of my bathroom towel around his waist

"Alexis you're coming for dinner and you're bringing Harry end of discussion and if your not here in another hour I'm kidnapping you" she hung up she was very annoyed with me I sighed deeply and buried my face in my hands

"You're worried what's wrong?" He sat behind me I peeked over my shoulder at him

"Lexa wants us over for dinner but her father isn't a big fan of me being over there" I shrugged

"Well it couldn't hurt Baby girl" he  kissed my cheek

I nodded "but I just I don't want him to hate me..."

Harry shook his head "he won't I know you and your sister are very close and you'd be upset if she was  upset with you so best we go"

"So you're on her side now?" I laughed

"I'm on whatever side makes you happy" he chuckled I nodded

"I guess Harry well lets get ready then" I stood up and saw he was completely naked "nakey boy" I laughed

He chuckled and kissed me deeper "you love the view and you know it" he winked pulling on boxers "and you know how I love to be naked" he added happily

I giggled and changed my shirt as he dressed

We stepped out after I kissed Nuk Nuk goodbye we decided on walking over so we held hands and I leaned on him "I think you are adorable" he smiled widely I had my hair down and he ,just like Lexa, loved when my hair was down he was pulled with it with his free hand

We got to the door step soon after "is it too late to turn around?" I whispered

"Yes" he knocked and I held him tighter he was more confident meeting a stranger than I was seeing a man I'd seen a million times before

I held his hand tighter the door opened and thank god it was Lexa she smiled

"Hey sis hey Harry" she hugged me and pulled away fluffing my hair "ooh sexy I love it"

"Right I love it too" Harry chuckled and fluffed my hair from the back I rolled my eyes laughing

"Come in Frank is already at the table" Lexa grabbed me and pulled me in pretty aggressively

She guided me to their dinner table Harry following behind I saw him he was staring off tapping his fingers on the wood table top he just gave off pissy vibes

"Hi Frank" I tried to hold a happier tone he turned

"Hi Alexis glad you came" he was good with pleasantries he looked at Harry and stood up his height not nearing Harry's in the slightest but then again Harry was pretty damn tall

"Ello I'm Harry" they shook hands  "I'm Alexis's ma- man" he caught himself and kinda laughed "her boyfriend" he corrected himself I closed my eyes shaking my head at Harry

"Right? Uhh I'm Frank I'm Alexis's step-sister's father" he kinda tried to follow Harry's example at least they both sounded weird

"Ah" Harry comment and that was about all that could have been said "so what's for dinner?" Harry asked changing subject Frank frowned deeply no doubt finding that rude

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