3|Well You're Not a Dog

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Alexis's pov

"Your shoulder looks so good" I praised rubbing the wolf's head

I've had him for 3 days now and after tonight it'd be a 4th day

"I can you let you back home soon" I kissed his head and he started licking me I giggled I normally never let a dog ,or well in this case a wolf, lick my face but I hadn't seen him lick himself or anything and as long as Nuk Nuk didn't see and get jealous I guess it was fine

"Night Night good boy I'll see you in the morning" his bed was still the tub but he had a blanket in there now

I turned on the night light and closed the door crawling in my bed with Nuk Nuk "Night night Nuk Nuk" I peppered his head in kisses and laid down he curled up into my side getting comfy


I sat up groaning I had to use the bathroom I looked at my cable box


I put a hand in my hair shaking it out a little I stood up and swayed lazy to my bathroom I opened the door

"AHHHHH" I screamed

In front of me was a naked man and in the dim light I saw him one hand holding his private his other hand on my wall

He turned wide eyed as I screamed "WAIT DONT FREAK OUT!"

"WHO ARE YOU!?" I scream he let himself go and stepped toward me I screamed again and backed up

I looked at Nuk Nuk who was just staring at us sitting up I couldn't understand why he didn't attack him!

"I-I can explain" he said nervously

"WHY ARE YOU NAKED IN MY HOUSE?!" I grabbed my phone ripping it off the charger "IM CALLING THE COPS!"

"IM WOLF!" He screamed I frowned deeply

"Uh?" I leaned to looked in the bath tub and didn't see the wolf

"What did you do with the dog?" I cocked an eyebrow

"The wolf" he corrected


"I am the wolf" he laughed nervously

"No you're a man" I was wide eyed wondering what the fuck was wrong with this guy and how many drugs he was currently on

"Yeah now but I'm uh... I'm a w-werewolf" he smirked and I saw very enlarged canines

"Ooo my god you're NUTS" I started to dial 911

"I'LL SHOW YOU WAIT PLEASE I CAN SHOW YOU!" He held his hands up I cocked an eyebrow

"Look at my scar" he pointed to his shoulder and on his shoulder was stitches I lowered my phone to watched him

I gasped hearing cracks and seeing his skin bulge and concave in different places

His tan skin became hairy and chocolatey brown he was now a tall man type beast but no he was not a man no he was wolf like he had claws and a snout but he stood on 2 legs still he maintained his green eyes though

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