20|That's Mine

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Harry's pov

I groaned and stretched as I moved my toes I noticed my heel wasn't on the mattress I wiggled my nose

Nope not a nose a snout

I changed while I was asleep I was half shifted Alexis was still holding me but she was so small in comparison I didn't care too much that I was half shifted in fact I won't  even change back

I leaned down to Alexis and licked her cheek she flinched and held onto a tuff of my hair I nudged her cheek gently she peeked open and stared for a second before closing them and just re-cuddling back into my chest I smirked

I nudged her again "mmm nooo I'm sleeping" she whined

I got up taking her with me I held her bum and back I walked to our kitchen

I opened the pantry and growled not seeing anything I could just shove in my mouth

I moved to the fridge I opened it and saw grilled chicken I put Alexis on the counter and got on all fours I opened it and picked up a breast eating it

"I'm off today" she spoke so I turned to face her making eye contact so she knew I was listening "will you be home today?"

I shook my head no finishing my second whole chicken breast

"Aww" she pouted

I felt her disappointment I whined back and walked to her rubbing against her legs she pet my head as I ravaged my third chicken breast

"I guess I'll be waiting here for you maybe I'll work on decor get the pictures unpacked" she mumbled

I finished my chicken and stood I grabbed her face she kissed me and I pet her hair I slowly changed back and kissed her "I should be home soon don't worry my love I've just gotta do a bit of training" I reassured her smiling

"Mm okay well hurry back?" She said biting her lip I nodded

"I will I love you" I kissed her once more before going in our bedroom and pulling on boxers, pants, and a shirt I stepped out jogging across the same road I'd always jog across to get to the forest edge

As I walked down the path to my den I thought about Alexis about what I'd done

It made me feel bad I know I shouldn't have done it but I'm 3 days in all fake pills I know I'm bad I know but she's not against a baby she wouldn't have an abortion thing I read about No no she loves me and she'll love our pup I know that


I shook my head to attempt to shake away my self doubting thoughts

I heard a secondary set of crunching my pace skipped a beat making a half a second halt I know whoever or whatever was behind me wouldn't have been able to see the pause it was so small

I listened but didn't stop

The foot steps were heavy and sounded paced they were following me I'm sure of that because they didn't change direction

I took a side route I could lose whatever was following me the route I picked had jagged turns, with thick grass, and fallen trees which I followed but heard what was behind me struggle with

I had walked more than 20 minutes before I knew whatever it was was lost I sniffed the air to find the way to my den

Suddenly a wolf jumped out at me it tackled me I hit the ground hard and groaned the wolf was the alpha of a neighboring pack fighting us for land

I kicked him off but he snarled and ran back at me I shifted half and caught him throwing him he whimpered but got back up he shifted to his half form as well

How far had I gone? this was territorial I know it

He lounged at me I grabbed his throat spun and slammed him onto the ground he bit at me I snarled in his face and let go and tried to run and I managed out of the clearing until a log hit me in the back

I smacked against the ground and he lifted the log to hit me again I punched it and it broke he dropped down and clawed I hissed as he cut my peck 3 thin long scratches

I clawed his face and flipped onto my side stratching the ground as I hauled myself up running full force it only took 7 minutes to cover the same amount of land I'd walk as a human for 30 minutes

I was huffing and puffing blood dribbling off my chest I got into my land and crouched catching my breath I jolted when a wolf stood along side me

It was my father he look at my chest and nodded his head to the side he walked and I followed behind he walked me to the infirmary he changed human but I stayed half wolf so my cuts weren't stressed

We were taken back immediately I was on an examination table the doctor didn't talk he pour alcohol on me and I snipped he wasn't phased he cleaned my cuts with the least amount of gentleness he could without being utterly disrespectful then plopped a patch on it

I liked when Alexis cared for me she spoke to me and petted me

Not like I want him petting me but words would have been lovely

He left and my father remained I changed human again and looked at my chest "took him on huh?"

I nodded I wouldn't tell him I accidentally wondered over

"At'a boy you're strong you got him good yeah?"

I was surprised at the praise I nodded "I got him in the face" I mumbled

"Good I still want you training today but you can leave early I know you and your girl still haven't gotten a pup yet yeah?" He tilted his head

I nodded I didn't like talking to him now I was being like the doctor

"Well a bit of extra time to work on it then get you some pity love  for the cuts" he joked for once, but as he saw I wasn't laughing he huffed "right get to work but I think it's okay if you take off early today your mate will be worried" he pointed to the door

If only he knew she wasn't wolf

I walked out and walked across our land to the gym as I stepped in everyone looked at me and knew by smell and my sight I had fought another alpha

They did slight head bows as I passed I laid back on the press bench and picked up the weight it was only 150 so I guess it was going to be a less weight more raps day because I didn't feel like changing it

But one thing that still had me confused

Whoever was following behind me wasn't a wolf that I'm sure of

So who the fuck followed me?

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