2|Wolves Are Not Pets

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3rd person pov

Alexis sat up stretching Nuk Nuk doing his morning stretches too she jumped up walked to her bathroom to brush her teeth, use the bathroom, and check out how crazy her hair had gotten during the night

She jumped when she opened the door forgetting about the wolf in her tub

"You scared me boy" she walked over and pet his head he was sitting on his belly head up looking up at her

"You're so pretty" she cooed and scratched behind his ears she turned and brushed her teeth, redid her hair, she looked at the wolf she kinda felt embarrassed to use the bathroom it was an animal but it wasn't her animal

She closed the curtain and sat down he peeked out she squinted "hey! No" he quickly took his head back in she finished washed her hands and opened the curtain

"Do you have to go potty baby boy?" She picked him up "we'll go for a walk by the woods" she set him down in the living room to get leashes

Nuk Nuk ran over and sniffed him he growled darkly and Nuk Nuk bit at him to assert dominance

He looked away from the husky looking very annoyed

"Here are my boys" she clipped a leash to Nuk Nuk's holographic collar kissing his head

"Wolfie I only have my choke chain from my old pit bull but I'm not gunna choke you" she put it on him and picked him up opening the door Nuk Nuk headed for the elevator knowing the routine

"Good boy" she praised they got in and she set the wolf down "it's my day off today so we can all relax and watch a movie I'll make popcorn and we can all share" once the elevator reached to bottom floor she picked the wolf back up and ran across the street setting him down in the grass "Nuk Nuk go potty baby" she pointed and he ran to the tree line propping up his leg she set the wolf down and let him limp to find a spot once they both finished she picked the wolf back up and ran back across the street

They piled into an elevator but this time with company a prostitute named Sasha who lived a few doors down "Hey how are you doing Sasha?"

She shrugged "okay I guess you got a new... dog? That's not a dog?"

"Uh no it's a wolf actually I found him by the side of the road" she backed up

"You fuckin crazy that could eat you"

Alexis frowned "noooo he's a good boy I stitched him up and everything" She pet him cooing in his ear

As soon as the elevator door opened she shook her head "if you don't die by Friday remember that's the day they are supposed to come and fix stuff"

Alexis rolled her eyes "yeah don't hold your breath last time they actually came like they said was 2 months ago and they helped you"

"Not my fault I make good deals" she winked Alexis flipped her off playfully heading straight for her apartment she opened the door setting the wolf down but before she could even close the door Nuk Nuk growled

She looked up to see the problem and on the sofa counting money was Nathan

"Where'd you get that from?" her wallet opened by his foot "Nathan what the fuck?" she walked to him to grab it but he shoved her she gasped at the unexpected push and fell back on her bum both animals snarled and showed teeth to Nathan and for a second he did feel intimidated

"NATHAN GIVE IT BACK" She screamed then got up again snatching what was in his hand before he could process her actions

He cocked an eyebrow "you're really gunna take from me?"

"Take from YOU? Where you not in here just now taking money from my wallet?!" He stood up pissed off

"Yeah so?"

"SO go fuck yourself Im done with you I've been done with you!" She screamed he picked up her wallet and threw it at her as hard as he could coins flying all around

"You aren't breaking up with me" he growled stepping closer

"Well we've been broken up you just won't leave me the hell alone!" She threw the wallet back on the ground feeling the sting on her chest still

He smacked her she gasped and held her face

Nuk Nuk lounged and bit at him but he kicked Nuk Nuk in the side Alexis smacked him back as hard as she could stunning him momentarily

He twitched "you wanna play these games uh? You know how this ends" he grabbed her arm ready to throw her into the table

"Let go" she screamed he squeezed "LET GO!" She kicked him in the stomach he hunched over and groaned

"STUPID BITCH" he went to punch her again but she screamed and ducked down blocking her face

But she didn't feel impact but instead she heard him scream curiosity getting the best of her she peeked and saw the wolf had bitten his leg he struggled to get him off the wolf voluntarily let Nate go and Nate held his leg groaning in pain

"You're dog bit me you dumb bitch!" He screamed and limped toward the door "Watch I'll get you for this!" He slammed the door as hard as he could just to show he meant it

Alexis quickly crawled to Nuk Nuk

"Nuk Nuk Baby you okay?" She hugged the whimpering dog "Nuk Nuk I'm SO sorry it's okay you get special treat tonight okay? And you can eat at the table like a good boy" She wiped her tears and kissed Nuk Nuk repeatedly

Soon another whimpers caught her attention she was nudged by the wolf's nose she turned

"You're such a good boy too very very good boy" she praised and kissed his head but he broke free and started to lick at the blazing red hand print on her face she winced but knew he meant well

She stood up wiping her face again then sighing deeply to regain her composure she looked at her front door and broke down again

Her door didn't lock properly and Nathan knew that so there was nothing to stop him from coming back in any time he wanted she cried

"God help me"

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