19|The Blue Ones

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Harry's pov

It's been a week without Nuk Nuk she was finally talking and smiling again but she was still hurting I felt it but I tried my very best to make her feel better

But today I got to put my plan into action

There's only one week left of her regular pills then the fakes I envisioned the pack in my head and thought of ways I could get them in her mouth without her noticing they were blue

"Harry?" I snapped my head up it was time for dinner I smelled it she had made grilled chicken sandwiches and that chicken had been tangling my nose as soon as it got on the little grill she had

She was at the door leaning on it
"Yes?" I asked regardless of knowing

"Come eat Baby" she smiled I nodded and got up walking to her I grabbed her hips

"Our pups will be so well fed" I smiled praising her cooking

"Thank you" she leaned up and kissed me "I actually have a question like about wolf babies..."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise "yeah?"

"Do you go to like public school... I mean you can't trust little ones not to just change in normal school right?"

"Yeah we have preschool through 9th in the den after that you aren't required anymore schooling but you can if you'd like I didn't but then again my job and placement in my pack is more muscle than smarts ya know?"

She nodded and looked at my chest she rubbed my chest and I guess she was deep in thought I couldn't feel any specific emotion about her

"Have you been thinking about pups a lot...?" I mumbled trying not to let myself sound too hopeful

"Mm... I was thinking about you mostly b-but yeah I guess I have" she finally looked up at me "would you love me if I couldn't give you kids?"

I frowned deeply "of course I would I'd love you no matter what... sweetheart I don't want you thinking about negative things like that okay?" I kissed her head

She nodded and weakly smiled "okay well we better hurry before the food gets cold" she guided me to the dining room

I sat down we started eating and the whole time I stared at her she wasn't feeling happy but she wasn't exactly sad it was driving me crazy

"How are you feeling my love?" I asked holding a soft tone

"Don't you know?" She raised an eyebrows

I set down my sandwich "no no I don't know I can't figure it out help me" I kinda whined

"Well... I feel like I lost a child he was my Baby... I feel empty..." she took a small bite

I bit my lip "that's why you've been thinking of pups?" I tilted my head

"I dunno" she shrugged

"Well darling I'm not gunna pressure you into anything you don't want no matter how much I want it..."

I paled thinking about my plan that's exactly what I was doing forcing a decision on her but I mean it's not like I'm leaving her not like I don't want a baby Id coddle them both I want her so bad and god if we had a girl she'd be flawless just like Alexis

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