42|Can't Take Her From Me

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Harry's pov

I felt so heavy my eyes especially very drowsy I fought with myself to open them but man it was like weights taped to my eyelids finally I saw a sliver of something something white

I rolled my shoulder and heard talking but nothing I could distinctly make out I fluttered my eyes slowly everything was becoming a touch lighter now more crisp around the edges I lifted myself up in a push up fashion I was lain on my stomach I wasn't on the ground anymore that's one thing I knew with great certainty

"LAY DOWN ALPHA STOP MOVING" I furrowed my eyebrows as I finally understood something I turned over seeing nurses and doctors

"Mate?" I whispered then covered my eyes from the harsh light "mm where's Alexis?" I went to swing my leg off the bed but they tackled me and I grunted feeling sharp stab in my back

"WE'RE SEWING UP YOUR BACK YOU HAVE TO STAY YOU'VE GOT NEEDLES HANGING FROM YOU BACK" then why in the fuck would they push me onto my back I swung my arm hitting whoever was there they flew hitting the wall I sat up swinging at the other 2 they flew too

I got up my balance wasn't so bad but I was wobbling a little I closed my eyes for a second could I sniff for her? Could I hear her? maybe she was awake now

I sniffed the air but all I could smell was chemicals I whined and batted my nose it burned I heard screaming I froze that sounded like her I threw my door open following the screams

Down the hall to the right 3 doors down I opened it a crack to peek in but shoved it open seeing her

"YOU'VE GOT TO PUSH!" Doctor Peter yelled she screamed her voice cracking sweat rolling down her face she had so many wires attached to her "PUSH PUSH!" He repeated and she was fisting the metal railing of the bed people where pushing her down as her body was obvious trying to arch up "GET HER OUT! PUSH YOU HAVE TO PUSH"

"W-What are you doing to her?!" I yelled and stepped in seeing they were pressing her into the bed against her will by the way she was struggling and how far into the bed she was pushed down "I'm here I'm-" I fell on my hands and knees after feeling a sharp pain in my shoulder blade

"Yes yes he's tranquilized" I fought the fact the room was spinning around me I fought all the noises I fought the heavy I crawled "yes we have him" hands laid themselves on my shoulders pulling me

"My B-Baby" I stuttered there was a loud crack following a cry of pure agony it made my head throb and I lost it collapsing


Started to twitch I need to move, I need to get up, I need to find her I felt my adrenaline kicking in again

I popped my eyes open and looked around no one was here I went to het up and fling myself from the bed but realized I couldn't move my arms

I was cuffed to the metal railing with leather strips Why did they wanna keep me from her?!

I ripped them with ease and got up I opened my door and glanced down the hall I didn't see anyone I ran down peeking in her room she was in bed all alone I slipped in and smiled widely

"My love" I ran over and hugged her I kissed her head "my love my mate oh god Alexis are you okay? Where's the baby?" I slowly started to realize not only was she limp s-she was cold

I leaned away they hadn't  bandaged her at all or even cleaned dried blood from her

My heart started to beat like the wings of a humming bird it hurt my chest left like it was going to burst

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