30|Baby Mama

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Alexis's pov

I sat in the middle of the empty room staring this will be the nursery for my little pup I wish I could just find out the sex now so I could start on this room I had so many ideas but I couldn't make anything defiant at this point

"ALEXIS!" I jumped and groaned I stayed sitting I'm sure he'd find me and soon enough the door opened "found you!" He walked over and I screamed as he scooped me up

"HAROLD PUT ME DOWN!" I kicked and wiggled around but gasped as he kissed me which he took advantage of and shoved his tongue in my mouth I groaned happily wrapping my legs around him to be stable he pulled away smirking

"You've got an appointment today" he had a very sing song tone "and we'll get to see how our pup is growing"

Id completely forgotten he'd scheduled my appointment "oh yeah okay when?" I smiled

He looked at his watch "in 20 minutes" I gasped

"20?! Let down I need makeup a-and a better pair of pants on do my hair! Do I smell okay? I could-"

"Woah woah you're fine to go how you are Baby cute messy ponytail and sweats it's endearing" he kissed me I smacked his chest

"DOWN" he groaned and let me do I took off running to our room so get at least my makeup done I have to look proper he's the fucking Alpha

I ran into our room pulled on skinny jeans and sat at the vanity hurrying to do an eye look I used simple browns and false lashes pouting my lips to put on a dark brown almost black lipstick to match my smoky brown look

"Okay come on love takes a good 15 minutes to get there" I looked at the clock and I'd used up 10 minutes he picked me up again I dropped my lipstick at least it was closed "you look good" he reassured me kissing my head he started to walk out I gasped

"Wait I don't have shoes!" I squeaked holding up one of my feet he laughed

"I guess I can wait for that" he grabbed my flip flops passing them to me I slipped them on as he walked us down the stairs to the woods

"Will they be able to tell me when the baby is due?" I asked looking up at him

"No love alpha pups don't have due dates sorry" he gave me a sympathetic half smile

"Great just stress me more Harold" I pouted

"You don't seem stressed" he furrowed his eyebrows I laughed

"I was only teasing you I feel fine" I smiled pleasantly

"Good for a second I thought I lost your taste I would have had to stop by my old room and fix that" he winked

"Ooo but we're late can't stop" I teased poking his nose I gasped as he bit my finger "OWWWW BAD DOG"

He growled "wolf, I'm not a dog"

"Ooh sorry Baby didn't mean it it kinda just came out" I gave him big innocent eyes

"Don't let it happen again" I pouted he was pissy now I went limp in his arms

"Doooooont be maaaaad at meeeeeeeee I didn't meeeeean it" I whined "stoooooooooop"

He laughed "you sound like a child"

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