36|Pretty in Blue

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Harry's pov

I rolled over then rolled back over I put my arms behind my head then lowered one put that one back up and lowered the other one I turned on my side then rolled the opposite way

"Harry I swear to god I'm about to punch you in your face" Alexis grumbled

"I can't sleep" I whined it was 3:45 in the morning I scooted closer and spooned her rubbing her bump I closed my eyes

It felt like at least an hour went by before I opened my eyes again 4 am so 15 minutes great I whined and put my face in her neck I started licking her

"Harry no" she shrugged her shoulder to try and make me stop but it didn't work I kept licking "HARRY" she growled I back up not wanting to upset her any farther but when she sat up I knew I was in trouble I looked at my lap to avoid eye contact

When she didn't say anything I peeked up and her arms were crossed and she was glaring at me I hunched down "I'm sorry" I whispered

"Do you know what time it is?" She cocked an eyebrow

"4 am" I answered

"Exactly why are you waking me up?"

"Well you can sleep whenever you want It's not like y-you have to go anywhere you don't work anymore-"


"I'm sorry" she had been fired when she went in ridiculously pregnant they all confronted her of course she didn't have much to say about it her boss in his words 'had to let her go for her own health'

"I'm tired, I'm pregnant, I'm cranky, and I want to sleep but you woke me up you tossed and turned the whole night!" She laid it on me she threw the covers off herself and stood up I crawled toward her

"W-where are you going?"

"To the sofa" she snatch up her pillow and stomped out of the room

I sat there for a moment longer giving her time to calm down and her comfy on the sofa I got up and opened the door I changed into my wolf form and walked down

I got to the sofa and she was facing the back of it I put one foot on to see if she'd tell me to get down but she didn't I hopped up and nuzzled myself between the back of the sofa and her I put my snout in her neck and curved myself so I didn't lay on her bump

I jumped when her hand went on me but nothing happened she was just holding me I got comfy and actually felt tired

"Wake up wake up Harry come on" I jumped and looked around "good morning Wolfie time to get up its 12 and we've got stuff to do today"

I went to speak but nothing happened she came and pet my head "I'm sorry I yelled at you this morning you know how cranky I get when I'm woken up"

I nodded back and licked her palm I changed back and now she was cupping my jaw "I know but I should have left the bed I knew I wasn't getting to sleep"

"Well you fell asleep with me all you had to do was cuddle up with me" she kissed my nose "you could have done that and not woke me up" she tapped my cheek "I made pancakes they are on the bar I gotta get clothes from the wash" she walked out of the living room

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