56|In The End

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4 years later

3rd person pov

"Stand still" Alexis tapped Luna's back lightly to get her attention she was jumping around while Alexis was trying to do her hair

"Luna mind your mother" Harry growled noticing she hadn't listened until he growled at her

"I'm sorry I just soooo excited for school!" She clapped Alexis finished her left pigtail adjusting it a bit to match the right both were beautiful spiraling ringlets of brown hair Alexis put in blue bows to match her blue Baby doll lace dress under she had white opaque stockings and black Mary Jane shoes her book bag was power puff girls

Alexis spun her around "an absolute doll" Alexis kissed her head "Harry help me up Baby" she held a hand to him he walked over and helped her up from the bed

She's 9 months pregnant with their 2nd child and her stomach was huge they'd decided, especially since with how it went last time, she'd just go to a regular hospital and have a c-section which the doctors were more than willing to do their Baby boy was big

"Baby girl sure you wanna walk with us?"

Alexis swatted at Harry "of course my baby's first day of school I'd go even if you had to roll me there" she giggled

He chuckled and nodded "alright are we all ready?" He looked between them

"Mhm" Luna hummed bouncing on her toes

"Okay girls lets go" he grabbed Luna's hand and Alexis's walking them down the stairs out the front door and across the street

Luna skipped happily while Alexis leaned back a bit holding the underside of her stomach Harry utterly complacent in between

They came to a log and Harry helped Luna jump over as she squeaked "I got you Baby" he whispered helping Alexis over slowly "you okay?" He asked as she got both feet back on the ground

"I'm okay I'm not fine China babe" she appreciated the thought though

"You're 9 months pregnant you're more fragile than fine China" he kissed her then realized Luna was running ahead "HEY HEY HEY DON'T RUN OFF YOU'LL GET LOST!" He took off after her scooping her up as she started down the wrong path

"What did daddy tell you? Straight always straight no matter the blocks in the path" he walked back to Alexis "we can't leave mummy the baby slows her down" I set Luna back down

"Nooo nooo pick me up!" She whined Harry rolled his eyes and picked her right back up

Soon they were in the tall grass "daddy did you like school?" Luna asked swatting at the tall weeds

"I did" Harry nodded

"Mummy did you like school?"

"Mhm how do you think mummy got so smart?" She smiled her cheeks flushed with a pink that flooded Harry with warmth when he saw it that shade of pink swelled pure happiness in the pit of his stomach

"Books! Mummy you read a lot of books"

"I do but I learned to read in school" she kissed her cheek Harry sat her down as they reached the side walk of the all together large 2 part school both sections gated off from the other the first and larger building is pre-K to 5 grade, the next and smaller building is 6-9 grade if you wanted to pursue farther education after that you'd have to leave the den

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