27|Picture of You

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Harry's pov

"Harry no go" she pointed I whined

"Nooo I want!" I tried to climb in the shower with her

"Harry I said noooo I have to shave! Go!" She put her hands on my chest

"But I wannnnnnt" I stomped and grabbed her hips putting my head on her chest "I WANT I WANT I WANT"

"Harry Edward Styles bad boy I said no" she peeled me off and snatched the curtain closed I turned wolf I waited a few seconds and peeked in she wasn't looking

I went to put my paw in and she turned I stopped my paw mid air

"No" she raised an eyebrow I slowly tried to put it down "nooooo" I put it down and she stepped over lifting it up "no" I laid my head on the rim and lifted my other paw to put it in "Harry no no don't do it" I still moved to put it in

She grabbed it and held it she stood up which had me standing on my back paws I put my paws on her shoulders I whined loudly her face told me she gave me no mercy and wasn't falling for my little whine

I licked her chest she gasped and covered herself "Harold" I licked her neck she rolled her eyes "if you disobey again you're sleeping on the sofa"

I jumped down and made one last attempt to beg I whined and put my ears back but she closed the curtain again I growled and walked out

I yawned and transformed human once again mumbling complaints under my breath my head snapped around hearing buzzing

It's Alexis's phone


I answered "Ello?"

"Hey hey he's here! that guy the one that took Nuk Nuk he's here!" I balled my hand up into a fist

"Where?" I rolled my jaw

"He parked and came up to Alexis's place he hasn't come out yet" her voice dropped "Im trying to keep watch hurry and get over here dude" she obviously forgot my name but this is serious

"On my way" I hung up and looked at her contacts list I bit my lip and deleted the call history of her number then put the phone back I grabbed my keys and phone then walked out

Alexis didn't need to be worried I'd pick dinner on the way home to give a reason as to why I was gone

I pulled up and jogged up no one was around and I couldn't judge based off smell lots of people have been here fuck if I could tell them apart I glared at Alexis's apartment door but walked to Sasha's I knocked

"Who is it?" She squeaked

"Harry" I paused when she didn't open up I knew she needed more than that "Alexis's boyfriend" she opened it and sighed

"Thank god I was so scared he went into the woods I dunno why but I watched him walk there" I nodded and rolled my jaw

"Which car is his?" I turned looking she leaned over the rail

"That one there the white one" she pointed to a white Saturn ,which just so happened to match what Alexis told me the car following her looked like,I nodded and it took every human bit of me to hold myself back from just jumping over the railing right onto the car

I jogged down the stairs and looked at the car she was leaning over the rail watching me I tried the door it was locked I backed up and kicked it sending the glass in shattering all on the seat I reached in and opened the door once it was open I leaned in

I froze

Nuk Nuk had been in here recently I can smell him I snapped himself back to the topic at hand I looked for a wallet, for identification of some kind I looked between the seats, in the arm rest, and in the glove box all I found was registration under the name of Earl Banks

And a copy of his license

An elderly 75 year old man great no help there

I slammed the glove box shut and got out slamming the car door I had his fresh scent and followed the trail straight to the woods he was going the way I lead him perviously right to the other den I became more cautious Im not wanting a fight I bit my lip hard knowing I was getting to to their land

I growled and stopped knowing I couldn't get any closer his scent was still there though I could smell it through the scent of wolves I kicked the dirty and growled but saw something

Only a few feet away I twitched but stepped closer it was drag marks the kind a heel dragging in the dirt would make I heard foot steps I backed up and ran down the path again

I had his scent and I knew his car that's a step in the right direction I looked up at Alexis's old apartment and walked up I opened the door the lock still wasn't fixed so I just stepped right in and the place smelled like he'd rolled all over the floor meaning he's in here quite often

I got pissy to think someone has the nerve to find my baby girl that's bullshit

I stepped in her room and looked around someone had been staying in here there were blankets and pillows in a pile with food wrappers and it smelled of the guy I'm looking for

I kicked through the pile and something flew out I walked over and grabbed it

"Nathan" I hissed

it's a picture of Nathan and another man a brunette boy maybe in his late teens I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of it before a text came through

Baby Girl:where'd you go? Did I upset you?

I threw the picture down and turned to head out as I texted her back

Me:no Baby I just went to get dinner I'll be back in a sec I love you

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and got in my car I'd pick her up Popeyes, chicken is good good for the Baby wolf babies need lots of meat

I pulled up and held the bag as I got my key ready to open the door it swung open there she was her hair was wet and stringy she was pouting "you scared me"

I frowned stepping in closing the door behind me "I didn't mean to my love I just popped out to get some food" I held up the bag

"Ohhh Popeyes! You're forgiven!" She snatched it and ran to the table I chuckled and followed her sitting next to her

"Is the baby making you crave meat?" She shook her head

"I craved meat before" she laughed and took a bite then put it to me I controlled myself and took a normal size bite

My eyes wondered down to her stomach I sighed deeply and scooted closer to her "I'll protect you Alexis ,with my life, you know that right?" She looked at me

"Yes" she nodded

"And our baby too" I added

"So would I" she smiled "I love you"

A small smile formed on my face the tense heavy strain on me loosened "and I love you"

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