45|Alpha by Right

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Ace's pov

YES YES YES a quick easy fight! Harry already got behind him and had his neck

One cut!

My skin crawled hearing Harry yelp he fell onto the ground he was hurt no no he was convulsing

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I screamed this reeks of foul play!

His father turned to him and started walking over he can't continue Harry's paralyzed he crawled over Harry and bared his claws

"NOO!" I growled and transformed running at his father

I tackled him we rolled and he ended up on top he growled and clawed at my throat but I swung out my arm and got him in the face then threw a punch he fell to the side and flung myself around and started rabbit kicking him he grabbed one of my feet and I yanked my foot back getting a nice thick cut as I did so

I stood up limping a bit he got on all fours I growled darkly I showed my teeth he ran at me I moved and got him by the neck I dug my claws into the far side of his neck behind his ear and yanked them across

I dropped his body and turned I looked at Harry I got on all fours and crawled to him

"BACK UP BACK UP" the doctor dove between us I changed back and glared

"What are you doing?" I squinted

"Checking a pulse" he mumbled I leaned down and he elbowed me I growled and grabbed his neck

"Well let me see"

"HE'S DEAD" he turned back he was shaking with fear o-or maybe nervousness

"Alpha!" I jumped and turned everyone was kneeling around me

"No no he's not dead" I tried grab him but jumped back as 3 men ran from the crowd carrying him away I went to run after them but everyone closed in

"ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA!" They chanted I shook my head

"no no No NO!" I pushed through but didn't see Harry I frowned deeply but remembered what he asked of me

His daughter and Alexis

I turned and took off running toward the hospital

I got in and sniffed it was hard to find one single smell but I'd have to manage I finally got her scent I followed it up

I walked down a hall I could hear a baby crying I stopped in front of the door I heard the crying from I closed my eyes and put my head on the door

"Harry!" She spoke before I could even fully open the door

I opened the door the first sight I saw was Alexis in bed an infant nuzzled into her breast drinking

I closed the door behind me

"Where's Harry?" She sat up I just kept my slow pace walking to her bed side "h-his father? D-did he..."

"His father is dead" I started to rub my hands together as I looked down at her

She put a hand out to me a very pale quivering hand with a bracelet from the hospital I took her hand

"Where is he?"

I swallowed hard and rubbed her knuckles "I-I don't know"

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