Herpes (18)

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"DJ...Take Chris for a drive for a few hours." Chresanto got out his keys and tossed them to DJ.

DJ grabbed Chris and hurried out to the car and drove off. Chresanto stared Tracy in the eyes and she looked at him. He reached out to grab her and she ran.

"You gave me herpes?!" Chresanto yells.

"No! Chresanto you gave me herpes!" Tracy yells tears coming down her face.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Chresanto scrunched his eyes.

"I don't know if you got them from Tiana or some other bitch, but you got them and I got them and if you've fucked any other girl unprotected they've got them also." Tracy says.

"Man, I can't believe this." He sat down on the couch. "Is that what caused the virus?"

"No, my body is producing blood oddly...that's why I have the virus." Tracy sighed.

"Tracy, I'm sorry...." Chresanto teared up. "I honestly didn't know."

"No, I'm done with your apologies Chresanto. Besides, you're married so I shouldn't have slept with you in the first place." Tracy sat down next to him. "You think Tiana gave them to you?"

"No, I know she didn't and I know you didn't." He sighed. He hands began to shake.

"Wait, what?" Tracy scrunched her eyes.

"A few months back I had sex with an old friend of mine, but we used protection....I guess the condom broke because it has been sitting in my wallet." He says in a shaky tone.

Tracy got up from the couch and looked out the window as tears slid down her face. Chresanto felt horrible as he watched her stand there and cry. He got up and hugged her from behind.

"Please don't touch me." She says moving his hands.

"Tracy...I'm sorry." He sighs.

"Chresanto I don't wanna hear it...I've been hearing "I'm sorry" from you for 6 years now. When are you gonna learn?" Tracy cuts her eyes at him. "I admit it's my fault also for even laying in the same bed with you, but you can come by and see our son and hang with him but that's it. That's the only reason why we should be in contact."

"Okay, I understand..." He says sitting back down.

DJ took Chris to Olive Garden since they were both hungry. DJ felt Chris stare and smiled.

"Wassup little man?" DJ smiled.

"Uncle DJ what's herpes?" Chris asked in a confused tone.

"It's something that should be cured before you even have to worry about getting it." DJ respond.

"How do you get it?"

"Well um...Don't worry because only grown ups can get it." DJ sighed.

Chresanto called Tiana and had her come pick him up from Tracy's house. Chresanto got into the car crying.

"What did she do?" Tiana asks in a blank tone.

"Nothing," Chresanto shook his head.

"Don't lie Chresanto....Is she trying to keep you away from Chris?" She looked at him.

"No, It's not Tracy's fault." Chresanto sighed.

"Then what is it?" Tiana asks in an impatient tone.

"I have herpes...I gave them Tracy." Chresanto stared out the window.

Tiana sighed. "Listen, Chresanto I was gonna tell you but-"

Chresanto interrupted. "Tell me what?" He scrunched his eyes.

"I have herpes...I passed them to you." Tiana teared up.

"The fuck?" He got out the car. Tiana right behind him.

Chresanto walked into Tracy's house and grabbed the bat that was by the door.

"Tiana I should knock the shit out of you right now!" He yells.

"Baby I'm sorry." She cried.

Chresanto walked out and smashed in the windshield getting glass all in the car.

"What are you doing to my car?!" She yelled.

"Bitch your car?! You ain't pay for shit! You sit on yo' ass all day running up my bills!" Chresanto yelled getting into the car.

Chresanto drove off leaving Tiana over at Tracy's house. Tracy stood out on the porch watching everything that just happened. Tiana turned and started walking towards her.

"This is your fault for getting back into Chresanto's life!" She yells.

"Tiana don't blame me for your troubled life. I was doing all I could to avoid Chresanto and you. I honestly don't feel sorry for you Tiana. You have the most ugliest personality I've ever seen in my life and maybe if you were a better wife none of us would be going thro this right now."

Tiana broke down crying. "I didn't want any of this to happen."

"I didn't want another woman to steal my man a month before my wedding, but things happen and you suck it up and move through it." Tracy said in a serious tone.

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry..." Tiana cried.

"It's fine Tiana...Keep your head up." Tracy told her. "You can come inside and have something to drink or whatever until DJ comes back."

"Thank you." Tiana walked into the house.

DJ came back later that night and saw Tiana sleeping on the couch and Tracy in the dining room reading.

"What is she doing here?" DJ asked in a confused tone.

"Chresanto took the car....Wake her up and give her the keys so she can go home." Tracy said in a blank tone.

DJ woke up Tiana and handed her the keys. Tiana went into the dining room and looked at Tracy.

"Thank you...So much. I've been so rude and mean to you for no reason. I honestly just thought that the only reason you came back was to get revenge. You weren't worried about me or-"

"Tiana I'm really not in the mood to hear this. You got the keys and you may leave." Tracy says in a calm tone.

"Okay, thank you." Tiana says before leaving.

"Yo' I just got a text from Jacob and Chresanto is in the hospital." DJ says in a serious tone.

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