I'm In Love With Tracy (19)

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Tracy, DJ, and Chris all sit out into the waiting room waiting for Chresanto. He walks out with his head wrapped and his arm. Chris runs and hugs him.

"Dad!" He says. "I made it! I get to skip a grade!"

"That's great son!" Chresanto smiled picking him up.

Chris touched the wrap around his head. "Why is that there?"

"Well, daddy is hurt under there." Chresanto explains.

"Chresanto what happened?" Tracy asks in a worried tone.

"I got into a car accident. I was driving and crying and I was angry and I ran a red light. When I ran the red light I hit another car and I swerved and the car flipped and shattered glass got everywhere." Chresanto explains. He sets Chris down.

"Listen, It's getting late and I know you two have some things to talk about so I'm gonna take Chris on home." DJ says. He picks up Chris and leaves.

"Your wife...was at my house waiting for you to come back." Tracy sighs folding her arms.

"Ex wife...I'm filing for divorce." Chresanto says in a serious tone as he starts walking.

"Chresanto don't do that." Tracy says.

"Why shouldn't I? She slept around and gave me herpes." He said through clenched teeth.

"Chresanto you were sleeping around also. The only difference is that you didn't bring home and diseases."

"Tracy I can't help how I feel about you...I couldn't help it when I'm around you...I'm still in love with you. I know Tiana and she was only sleeping around because she knew I was sleeping around and thought it would hurt me, but I didn't care." He says looking at Tracy.

Tracy and Chresanto make it to the car. Tracy unlocks the doors and they both get in. Tracy sighs.

"Chresanto I'm not sure if this is a good idea because honestly I don't wanna get back with you. I mean I don't want it to be a repeat of 6 years ago." Tracy shook her head.

"Tracy....I need you...We need each other. You and I are meant to be together."

"Chresanto, I just don't know if I can deal with things like I did when I was younger."

"Tracy, I love you more than I love my own wife."

"I honestly think the best thing for us Chresanto is for us not to be together. Every time everything is going perfect someone either on your side or my side is fucking it up." Tracy looked at Chresanto.

"Tracy....You're still hurt."

"I loved you Chresanto....I did and I was vy your side all the way. I go out one night and I'm accused of cheating. You cheated Chresanto....I didn't. You could've just broken up with me or talked it out with me. Instead you just betrayed and hurt me Chresanto." She cried.

"I know Tracy I'm sorry...Honestly I am...my queen."

DJ had just put Chris to sleep in his room and was laying on the couch watching Baby Boy.

"Fuck you Jody!" He laughed as he watched the movie.

There was a knock at the door. DJ got up and opened it and seen Adamma standing there. DJ smiled and hugged her.

"Adamma what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I couldn't stay away. I wanna be with you down here." She smiled.

"Well I'm just staying with my friend right now but I mean we can go to a hotel or something." He smirked.

"Okay, let's go." She winked.

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