News Report (21)

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"Miss. Jackson, we're seriously gonna have to start doing some test on you which might take weeks." The doctor says.

"So, what about my son?" Tracy asked in a low tone.

"Well...You can have someone watch him or have him spend the night from time to time."

"No...Get me what Jay-Z and beyonce had. I want my hospital room to be in a little house like thing." Tracy says.

"Miss. Jackson that can cause thousands of dollars."

"I have the money...."

"Well, the only rooms like that is in New York Miss.Jackson." The doctor sighs.

"Well send me to New York Dr. Harris. I will pay you and I will pay for the room just get me there so I can be with my son at all times." Tracy says.

"Okay, to New York you go Miss. Jackson." Her doctor smiled.

"Thank you." Tracy smiled.

The doctor walked out into the waiting room and smiled at Chresanto. Chresanto and Chris stood up and walked over to the doctor.

"So, what's up?" Chresanto sighed.

"We're gonna start doing some serious testing on her. She has requested for a housing room in New York. So, we are releasing her later so she can go home and get packed." The doctor explains.

"In New York, are you sure?" Chresanto scrunched his eyes.

"Yes, sir." He smiles before walking back behind the door.

DJ walked Adamma down the steps to the club and smiled. Adamma looked around smiling and shocked by how the place looked.

"Wow DJ....This is amazing!" She said excitedly.

"Not nearly as amazing as what I woke up to this morning." DJ smiled. "But this is where I work and make my mills every night."

"I can see why." she smirked. "This place is amazing."

"Yeah....Come sit over here with me." He smiles grabbing her hand. They sit down. "I'm happy you stayed with me last night."

"I'm happy you didn't treat me like a hoe." She giggled.

"I don't know what type of men you've been with, but I wouldn't treat no woman like a hoe if she isn't one. Even if she is I would still respect her, because she's a woman and one day that's gonna be someone's wife and mother." He said in a serious tone.

"I know DJ...I've just seen so many men use my sister as she grew up. I just remember those nights she would sneak boys in and the next day she would be complaining about how the boy would tell all his friends about her." She sighed.

"You failed to mention you have a sister." DJ says.

"I have 7 sister's and 6 brothers." She sighs.

"Damn! Yo' parents got down like that?" He laughed.

Adamma burst into laughter. "A little, I'm the 5th born."

"Oh really? And when will i get to meet your family?"

"I don't know DJ. I mean, we've only known each other for about 2 months and we haven't even been on a date."

"Okay...Adamma Moka, will you go on a date with me tomorrow night?"

"Of course...." She smiles.

He chuckles and runs his hands through his dreads. "I think it's to cut these off."

"But you've taken the time to grow them out and now they're passed your shoulders."

"I know, but I just miss the freedom of not really having to worry about my hair."

"Don't cut it...I like it." She smiled touching it.

Tracy was at her house packing when there was a knock at her door. Tracy walked to the front door and looked through the peep hole. She scrunched her eyes as she seen some news reporters out front. She opened the door and put on a fake smile.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yes, Tracy Jackson we have heard you have some new type of virus we should warn the world about." The woman says.

"Well who told you? Isn't that private information?" Tracy folded her arms.

"We will pay you 13,8000 dollars for an interview in your living room."

"Don't pay me...Just come in." She sighed moving out the way.

The news lady and the cameraman walked in and got settled in Tracy's living room. Tracy closed the door and sat on the couch next to the lady.

"We're live...." The cameraman says.

"Hi! I'm Linda Wilson and I'm sitting here with Tracy Jackson a woman who has been discovered to have a deadly new virus spreading through her body. Tracy can you tell us how you discovered the virus?"

Chresanto quietly walked through the door and stood by the corner and watched as Tracy got interviewed.

"Well my boyfriend and I were laying down and I felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and began throwing up and my boyfriend saw that I was throwing up blood and rushed me to the hospital." Tracy explains.

"Yes, and have experienced any unusual things happening to you?"

"Well, Sometimes I get really cold and not the normal just throw a blanket or jacket on...I got 5 blankets some of my thickest blankets from the cabinet and got underneath them when it was 103 degrees outside." Tracy sighs. "Sometimes I get a little dizzy and weak. Right now I'm getting pale and a little skinny."

"This sounds bad, do you have any clue what could've started this?"

"Actually no...It just kinda happened out of nowhere." Tracy scrunched her eyes.

"Well, we also hear that you're going to New York to get a room...a family hospital home so you can be more comfortable." The lady says.

"Well, not just for me it's also for my son and boyfriend so we can all be together at all times."

"Well, thank you Tracy. I'm Linda Wilson and thank you for watching." She says into the camera.

The lady and cameraman ssid their goodbyes and left. Chresanto smiled and looked at Tracy as she scrunched her eyes.

"What you smiling for?" She smirked.

"You called me your boyfriend....and you called us a family." He laughed.

"Oh Chresanto, I know this news is gonna go viral and I don't wanna seem like the typical young single black mom that's going through a struggle." Tracy sighed as she walked to her room.

"Yeah okay. You did well on answering those questions....Is Chris ready?"

"Yeah, he's just in his room making sure he won't miss anything." Tracy sighs.

"Alright, well let's get going...I can't wait to see our room." Chresanto smirked.

"Oh no...I ordered you another room." Tracy joked.

"Tracy please, I know you want me."

"Wishful thinking...Wishful thinking." Tracy shook her head.

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