What The Fuck Happened? (14)

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Chresanto sat down with Chris at the table. Chris kicked his feet as he did his homework and sighed. He looked at Chresanto with a confused look.

"What's wrong?" Chresanto asks.

"Why is my mom in the hospital?" He asks.

"She's sick...." Chresanto says.


"I actually have no idea...but I do know that she'll be home before you know it." Chresanto smiled.

"I hope so, It's weird not seeing her when I come home." He sighs. "She always tells me stories about where she sees us in 5 years."

"Oh, and where is that?" Chresanto asks.

"In a dream home...with a father." He says before looking back at his paper.

DJ sat out on the edge of his balcony to his apartment. He had a drink in his hand and was a little buzzed. He looked off at the view of the water and poured some alcohol on the ground.

"This is for you bro, Kendrick." He said to himself.

For the last few days DJ has been shut in his apartment when he was doing more research on his brother died 7 years ago. He got off the edge and walked in his house where weed, pills, needles, and bottles were sitting everywhere. He sat down and wrapped a ban around his arm and waited until a vein popped out. He took the needle and injected it into his arm.

Flashbacks of his mom overdosing and committing suicide in front of him flashed through his mind. He took the rubber band off of his arm along with the needle.

"MOM!!!" He yells at the top of his lungs. "Why did you leave me?!" He grabbed a bottle and threw it on the other side of the room.

He gets up knocking off bottles and pills all over the floor. He began feeling dizzy and began walking slower, but for him was regular speed. He goes to his bong in his room and began smoking.

"Tracy wouldn't have no money if it wasn't for me." DJ slurs. "You know what...That bitch need to give me back my money."

He giggled. "Chresanto light skin deebo lookin' ass fuckin' killed my brother and had the nerve to hit me! Can you believe that?" He talked to himself in the dark.

"What if I just burned this muthafucka down?" He laughed. "This place ain't shit to me...No kids live around here. Some old ass adults and drug dealers who are about to die anyway."

"Oh, that's right...Yeah this used to be Chresanto old ass place...I just realized ain't nobody called to check up on me or nothin'...I knew they never cared from when I first met them. Tracy probably only gave me that money to get on my good side."

"I feel sorry for Chris...He gotta live with that child support lookin' ass bitch...You know what. I should call Chresanto and tell him she slept with Rayan when she first found he was cheating."

DJ got up and found some lighter fluid along with a lighter. He put lighter fluid all over the apartment and packed up his important belongings and threw it over the balcony.

"Burn the this place to the ground." He says as he dresses up in all black.

DJ flipped the match and put it on the floor and jumped over his balcony and fell on the ground. He grabbed his things and ran off. He got in his car and drove off.

Chresanto sat on the couch eating some chicken wings while Chris was in his room sleep. He flipped through the channels and accidentally changed to the news when he seen his old apartment being put out by firefighters.

"DJ lives there...." He says to himself looking at the TV. "The fuck happened?"

"A fire was started here about an hour ago. Neighbors say that the owner hasn't came out in days. When searching inside the apartment no body was found, but neighbors say they've been out all day and never seen him leave." The lady on the screen says. "More details will be on our website."

Chresanto pulled out his phone and googled the situation. Wasn't much on it except that the fire was started with a match and that drugs and alcohol were all over the house. Chresanto closed it out and immediately called DJ. There was no answer. After calling 5 times it went straight to voicemail.

"What the fuck happened?" He asked himself again.

DJ had thrown his phone outside the window and ran over it. He was already halfway to Los Angeles. He began getting dizzy again and crashed into a car. His car flipped and he was stuck inside. He broke the window and grabbed his stuff and ran with blood from his cut arm and back flowing down his body.

DJ ran and ran until his legs gave out in the middle of nowhere. He layed on the ground with his bloody shirt sticking to him. He threw up next to him and turned over on his back. He breathed heavy trying to catch his breath as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"Ma...Kendrick...God I need you." He says before passing out on the ground.

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