Do You Love Me? (11)

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"So did you see him?" Jacob asks as he sat down next to Chresanto.

"Yeah I saw him...I even had to threaten Tracy for me to see him." Chresanto shook his head.

" how was it meeting your son?"

"It felt good...I could tell he wanted to meet me when he first saw me. I mean the only thing that was really standing in the way was Tracy."

"Damn man..." Jacob paused. "I remember when you and Tracy couldn't get enough time with each other and now y'all just don't even really speak anymore."

"I don't mind sitting down and talking to her, but I mean she got a problem. Back in the day Tracy would've loved for me to be there for Chris."

"Yeah, but also back in the day you didn't have a wife and 2 kids tagging along by your side."

"Those aren't even my kids...They're from her past relationship." Chresanto chuckled.

"You know what I never understood about Tiana..." Jacob says.


"She always raggin' on Tracy, but she's the one that still slept with you even when she knew you were getting married to another woman." Jacob laughed.

"Yeah, she be trippin' but that's my wife and I love her." Chresanto sighed.

"Marriage ain't nothin' but some papers." Jacob giggled. "Just because she has a title doesn't mean she means anything."

"I get that you don't like her but come on now man." Chresanto says.

"My bad..." Jacob sighs.

Mariah walks through the door with Maria. Maria ran over to Jacob and sat down on his lap smiling and laughing as Jacob kissed her cheeks.

"Wassup Chresanto?" Mariah smiles sitting on the love seat.

"Nothin' I finally saw my son." Chresanto smiled.

"Your son?" Mariah said in a confused tone.

"Yeah, Tracy had my son 6 years back and didn't even tell me when he was born. DJ didn't even tell me either and he was there for the birth." Chresanto shook his head.

"Have you seen him since the incident?" Jacob asks.

"No..." Chresanto shrugged.

" Tracy is back?" Mariah asks.

"Yeah, and she's rich because she's been helping DJ steal my business."

"Tracy ain't the same last time I seen her." Mariah smirked.

"Yeah, well I gotta get going I'm going to this father and son thing with Chris so I'll see y'all later." Chresanto says getting up.

"Alright man see you later." Jacob says.

Chresanto drives to Tracy's house and sees Chris sitting on the porch waiting for him. Chresanto gets out the car and sits next to him.

"Wassup little man?" Chresanto asks with a smile on his face.

"My mom is angry at me..." Chris says.

"Why is she mad at you?" Chresanto scrunched his eyes.

"She said because I didn't listen to her yesterday when she told me to leave you alone."

"Oh, well let's get going maybe she'll feel better by the end of the day." Chresanto says as he gets off the porch.

Chris and Chresanto went to the Father and son contest day and won most of the games. They went to the movies and then went to dinner. By the time they got home it was 10:30 and Chris fell asleep in the car. Chresanto picked him up and rang the doorbell. Tracy opened the door and Chresanto immediately took Chris to his room and layed him down to sleep. When he stepped back out Tracy was staring at him.

"Where the hell have you been with my son?" Tracy asked through clenched teeth.

"Your son?" Chresanto chuckled. "You mean our son."

"Listen, you don't control anything around here and if you don't respect my rules then you need to leave." Tracy says.

"Tracy, don't be angry because no one is here to see you. I'm here for my son and my son only. We shouldn't have to be going through this if you just act like the grown woman you are." Chresanto snaps.

Tracy looks away and sits down on the couch angry. Chresanto leaves and goes back home. Tiana sits on the couch waiting for him furious. As soon as he walks in she gets up and slaps him in the face.

"Where the hell have you been?!" She screams at him.

"I was out with my son." Chresanto says in a serious tone.

"For 10 fucking hours?!" She yells.

"Yes!! For 10 hours I was with my son." He says.

"I know your fucking lying! You were with that bitch Tracy! That little boy ain't nothin but an excuse!" Tiana yells.

"Don't you disrespect me or my son!" Chresanto yells at her.

"Disrespect? You wanna talk to me about disrespect? How about the fact that we live in the place where you and Tracy lived? Or how we have the same bed you two made love in and made that son of y'all? Or the fact you still have a box of pictures and clothes she left and even the engagement ring you gave her?!" Tiana cried.

Chresanto walked around her and sat down on the couch. He looked out the window looking at the view he has.

"It takes time Tiana...I gave up my relationship and my fiancè messing with you...Don't you think I love you?" Chresanto asks in a serious tone. "I mean I didn't even complain when you threatened to leave me for not having any money."

"Chresanto you know I love you....You know I do." She says leaning up against the wall.

Chresanto picks up his keys and walks over to her. "Do you? I'm here taking care of your kids from your last relationship. I never hear a "thank you" or "I appreciate it" from you!"

He walks out the door and gets into his car driving off. He parks outside of Tracy's driveway and just thinks. 45 minutes later there was a knock at his car window. He unlocks the doors and Tracy sits in his car.

"You've been sitting out here for a pretty long time..." Tracy says in a blank tone. "I know I've been a little bitch lately....but-"

"Tracy you don't have to explain yourself." Chresanto sighs. "I understand that this whole situation between us is gonna take time for the both of us."

Tracy paused. "Chris woke up and asked for you. When I told him you went home he asked me why we didn't live together...I didn't know what to say." She sighs.

He grabs her hand and looks at her.

"You're an amazing mother Tracy....Never let anyone tell you different." Chresanto says in a serious tone.

"Thank you." Tracy smiles.

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