Out With Dr.Harris (22)

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Tracy got off the plane and got into the Taxi along with Chris and Chresanto. They got to their room and a few people inside waiting for them. Chresanto took everyones stuff into their rooms and Chris walked around looking at the place.

"Tracy Jackson welcome! We are sorry, we know you must be tired from your flight but we have a few news stations that want to interview you and your doctor." A man says.

Tracy sighs. "Okay, lets get this over with." Tracy sits down on the couch.

Everyone got adjusted and comftorable. Tracy put on a fake smile just as her doctor did and sighed.

"We're live..." One of the Camermen say.

"Hi, i'm Ashley Right and I'm sitting her with Tracy Jackson and her doctor Dr. Harris. Now, Tracy Jackson has a virus that the doctors have never seen before. Tracy has to go through months of testing and has temporarily moved here so her and her family can be comftorable. Dr. Harris when you first saw Tracy what did you think?" The lady says into the cameras.

"Well when I first saw her coming to me about throwing up blood I thought she had liver cancer or something close to that. After watching her through the night and seen her get cold, then hot and got very pale and was just throwing up about a cup of blood I knew this was something new. I gave her some medicine to hopefully slow it down." Dr. Harris explains.

"Did the medicine work?" Ashley asks.

"It did the first week or 2, but as I kept taking them they no longer did anything for me except just putting another pill into my body and I eventually started throwing up the pill as if my body was rejecting it." Tracy says.

"Dr. Harris have you figured out if this virus is contageous or just something that grows from inside or even possibly someone can give it to you through a a foreign liquid or anything?" Ashley asks.

"Well the way she's been throwing up and her side effects I would assume that somehow someone has passed to her somehow from a liquid or a type of food." Dr. Harris says.

"Well, Tracy do you have any enemies trying to hurt you?" Ashley jokes.

"I have plenty of haters Ashley." Tracy laughs.

"Tracy, Jay-Z and Beyonce are some of the richest and known people and some even praise them. How are you able to afford this expensive room." Ashley asks.

"That's a little personal...." Tracys says in a blank tone.

"Well, Tracy is a successful business owner she owns her own salon that my wife goes to all the time to just relax and gossip." Dr. Harris says.

"Well, we thank you for your time Tracy and Dr. Harris. I'm Ashley Right and thank you for watching!" She smiles at the camera.

They get up and leave without greetings or anything. Dr. Harris closes the door after them and sighs as he sits back down on the couch.

"I can't stand the rude news ladies in New York." He chuckles.

Tracy giggles. "That lady had no right being in my personal business like that...Thank you for sticking up for me."

"No problem, you're one of my favorite patients...Also, I know how you make your money." He winks.

"Dr. Harris no!" Tracy smiles. "You have been?"

"Several times and you have it done up in there with that dude DJ!" Dr. Harris laughs.

"How could I possibly miss you from coming in? I mean I don't even remember seeing you come in."

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