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Hi! Okay I just wanted to share this with y'all.....


It's reeeeeally weird feeling and I got those "invisible" retainers. They actually kinda hurt in some places and they are a ton of work even though it's been one day. I also keep rubbing my tongue along the edges which is not good. I got this weird bleech stuff for my teeth too so when I used it, my mouth stung. No bueno. I'm in my bed right now and my chest kinda burns. I don't know if that's the bleech or what. I need to know but I can't ask. It's a problem.

One good thing was that I got to miss part of school. Woohoo!

When I was at the orthodontist, they gave me a bag of candy and other treats that I couldn't eat when I had braces. But, I ate all those things when I had braces sooooo....yeah. Sorry Ortho but I like ma popcorn and candy.

Comment if you have had your braces taken off. I want to know!

(Lol I just got a notification that this takes 49 seconds to read. Welp 49 seconds wasted on your part reader😂)


Mango, My Love (Keith x OC)Where stories live. Discover now