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The spring evening was warm. There was a cool breeze blowing, swirling up under my dress. The sun was just before its golden hour, shining a strong, gold light. My soft hands are softly intertwined with my husband's rough ones. The taps of our dress shoes can be heard amongst the few others along the city streets. "This way, love."

My body is pulled in a different direction by my spouse. "Keith, where are we going?" I ask for the hundredth time. "I'm not telling. Just like I said the last hundred times," he laughs. I decide to stop my prodding and go with it. We finally stop when we reach a restaurant. I stop to look about the place from the outside.

The place has a fancier look to it. The crystal glass windows stood tall and sparkling. From the windows I can see dressed up guests at their tables laughing and having a good time. Busy waiters expertly dodge the threat of people moving around and don't drop a speck of food off of their trays. This place is something Keith and I have never been to before.

"We're going here?" I mumble to myself.

I get pulled out of my trance when I feel another tug on my arm. "Let's go," Keith declares.

He opens the door and guides me inside with a hand softly on my back. Walking farther into the building, I get increasingly more impressed. The fancy lights and decor make the place more lively. "Do you have a reservation," the hostess asks me. "Um-" I start before Keith speaks up. "We do. Kogane?"

The hostess finds the name and guides us through the restaurant. Once we are seated, we pick up our menus and look them over. "What are we doing-" I attempt to question my husband but I am stopped by our waiter. "Hello, my name is Leo and I'll be serving you tonight. Can I get you started with some drinks?" he says with a polite smile.

We order our drinks and Leo goes on his way. "Ok now, what are we doing here, Keith?" He looks at me with a knowing smirk but asks me anyways, "what do you mean love?"

"You know what I mean. What's with all this?" I say gesturing to the space around us. His smirk lifts into a smile. "I can't treat my queen to dinner?" This almost too much. My cheeks burn.

The waiter returns with our drinks and we give him our orders. Keith and I talk back and forth throughout the meal. I place my hand on the table and Keith grabs it, playing with my wedding ring. I watch him closely as he spins the ring around my finger. I look up to see him looking at me. "You are absolutely beautiful, my love."

"You're not too bad yourself, handsome," I laugh lightly. He smiles and gives my hand a squeeze. Once the bill is paid for we make our way outside. The sun has set but the air is cool and the sky is at twilight.

A small gust of air blows past sending shivers up my spine. I wrap my arms around myself. Next second, I feel the weight and warmth of a jacket. I look to see Keith has draped his dress jacket over my shoulders. He slips his arm around my small frame and pulls me close to his body.

"Wow, what a gentleman," I comment. My husband chuckles. We continue walking for a few minutes until we reach an alley and Keith pulls away quickly. I look in his direction confused.

A masked figure had ripped him away from me and pinned him the alley wall. A body aggressively wraps their strong arms around me. I try to struggle but I don't make any progress. Soon I am in the same position as my husband. "Give us all your money," the attacker demands, pulling out a gun. I can see Keith hesitate. Quickly the gun is pointed to his head, "I only ask once."

Keith gives in and hands the robbers his money. The man holding me captive looks me up and down. He spots my ring and brings my hand and the diamond to his face. "This will do as well," he purrs. His voice is guttural and gruff. The smell of alcohol pours out of his mouth with every word.

I pull my hand away instinctively and cradle my hand close to my chest. My actions seemed to have angered the man as his eyes burn holes into me. He violently grabs my hand back and tries to rip the ring off my hand. "Get away from her!"

Keith tries to save me. His attacker is quick to act. Everything seemed to go in slow motion.

Keith runs to me but then the sound of gun is heard and a bullet flies through the air.


My husband falls to the ground. I am paralyzed in place trying to process what just happened.

I break out of my head and rush to Keith's side. The robbers take off running at the sound of police sirens.

I examine my husband in search of the bullet. His back is soaked in dark red blood. "Keith, Keith stay with me," I beg frantically. His eyes are barely open. He struggles to speak, "My love."

"Yes, Keith. Stay awake beloved."

His lips turn into a small smile. Hardly noticeable. "I love you so much. I want you to move on and be happy," he starts but I interrupt. "Don't talk like that, baby. Yo-you're gonna be fine. Just fine," I croak out over the monster tears streaming down my face. He takes my hand in his and hold it close to his heart.

"We both know that not true."

His hand moves up to cup my face. I stare into his eyes before planting one final kiss on his cold lips.

His hand drops from my face and falls to his side as he lets out his final breath.

He's gone.

I cradle his body, his blood coloring my clothes. Tears fall from my face and drop onto his shirt. My worst nightmare come true.

My body jerks up with a start and my eyes snap open. My heart is racing. It was a dream.

I look to the other side of my bed only to see it is empty. Suddenly the smell of breakfast fill my nose. I let go a breath and get out of bed. I dress in a pair of sweatpants and crop sweatshirt before heading out to the kitchen.

At the stove is my husband, alive and well, cooking our favorite breakfast. I let out another breath of relief and walk up behind him. I wrap my arm around his waist and bury my face in his back, breathing in his heavenly scent.

"Good morning, love," he says with a chuckle. I can feel his muscles move through his shirt as he flips a pancake. "Good morning," I say but my voice is muffled.

The ring of the doorbell flows through the house. I sigh. "Can you get that?" Keith questions me.


I make my way to the front of the house and unlock the door. In front of me is a female police officer and her partner. "Miss Kogane, I'm so sorry. It hurts me to say this but your husband died last night."


"I'm sorry I think you must have the wrong Kogane family," I offer to the pair, "That's impossible."

The officer's face softens, "Unfortunately, it's the truth, miss." I grow more confused by the second.

"It's impossible," I say again, "because he's in the kitchen making breakfast."

Mango, My Love (Keith x OC)Where stories live. Discover now