All Tied Up

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-----Keith's point of view-----
"Do we really need to do this?" Lance ask out of the blue.

"Yes, Lance. This is completely necessary," I respond sarcastically.

"I guess it shouldn't be too hard, right? Just grab 'em and go? Give 'em the old razzle dazzle?"

I shrug. I peer down from the upper deck of the space mall where we sit to the hallway below. We scan the walkway for our target but no one has come past for a while.

"Guys, she's headed your way. Get ready to retrieve her," Pidge calls through the comms.

The echo of heels are suddenly heard all around. A girl wearing high-waisted jeans with a tucked in white shirt and suspenders comes into view. "Let's move in."

Lance and I jump down from our position. Our feet touch down silently and we walk up close to her. "Hm?" she hums and turns around.

Immediately, Lance grabs her and spins her facing away from us. "Hey, what are you doing? Stop!" She yells as she starts to struggle against his grip.

Lance flashes his eyes at me with a 'what do we do now?' look. I think quickly and knock her out using a pressure point in her neck.

Her struggling stop and her unconscious body falls into Lance's arms. "What did you do? Is she dead?" Lance questions stricken with confusion and fear.

"She's fine you idiot. I just knocked her out. Let's hurry and get out of here." I grab the girl from his arms and head for our lions.

-----Time skip-----
-----Dylan's Point of View-----

My eyes flutter open and adjust to the bright light of the room. Looking around I find I am in a living room of sorts. Looking at myself I see I'm tightly bound to a chair with ropes. I attempt to break from them but it's no use.

I take a glimpse around the room again, this time paying more attention to the details of my surroundings. The room is pretty plain and empty. The couches are smooth and clean. Out of the corner of my eye I spy a speck of red.

I look closer to see a cropped jacket. Wait...I know that jacket. Keith?

I whip my head up to the sound of doors opening. Two people walk in. One is in a dark purple suit with a mask while the other is in a blue and white suit.

The mask of the purple person fizzes and fades away. Left uncovered is the face of Keith Kogane, my old friend.

I sigh with relief but that quickly turns to anger.

"I can't believe you've done this."

"What? Kidnapped you?" Keith questions.

"Oh no, I'm fine with the kidnapping, I was just put off by how you messed up my hair," I retort sarcastically. "Yes, of course I'm upset that you kidnapped me!"

"Well sorry. It was part of the plan. It was the only way," Keith replies.

I look at him with disbelief. "The only way? The only way! How was that the only way, Keith? You could have just walked up to me, or called me, 'Hey there, Dylan! It's me, your pal Keith. Can you meet me so we can talk?' You didn't have to tie me up!" I practically yell at him.

"You would have tried to run away if we didn't tie you up. We need you here."

I scoff, "So what? You're both probably faster that me anyways."

I glance at the other boy, "and who might you be, love?"

He looks from me to Keith with a confused look. "You know him?"

"Yup. I did a job for the Blade once on his first day and we've worked together on some projects here and there. I thought we were close friends but I guess not."

"Oh, well um, I'm Lance."

I smile at him, "nice to meet you," I turn to Keith, "Although it would have been better if I wasn't tied to a chair," I say through gritted teeth.

"Just calm down. We're not going to do anything to you so you have nothing to worry about," Keith states with an eye roll.

"What do you need me for anyways?" I probe the boys in front of me. "We need you for your tech and engineering skills. Our friends need help to finish a special project for Voltron and it can't be finished without your help."

I think it over. "Sure, I'll help. On one condition," I state with a smirk.

"I know that face, Dylan. What's your condition?"

"The condition will be revealed after my job is done, Keefy boy. You agree to full fill my unknown wishes and your friends get help," my smirk grows.

"Fine, we'll do it," Lance agrees.

"Wonderful! Now until me you hooligans."

-----Time skip-----

"There, all done," I say, dusting my hands off on my pants. "Thanks for the help, Dylan. This will work for sure!" Hunk claims.

I chuckle, "now, have you seen Keith anywhere?"

"He's probably in the training room," Pidge states, not looking up from her computer screen. "I'll go see. Thanks Pidgeon."

The doors off the training room hiss open. Inside the room is Keith battling a training bot. With one swipe the bot disintegrates. "End training sequence."

I walk up the him, "hey, am I free to go?" He turns to me. "I guess. Let me walk you out," he says, wiping sweat off from his forehead.

We walk side by side and talk about how the project went until we reach the castle doors. "Thanks for helping us," Keith thanks me.

"Yeah it's whatever, but don't think I forgot about my condition," I comment slyly.

"Right. What do you want?"

I pretend to think about it. "Hm, what do I want? Oh yes I remember. I would like for you to take out the trash."

He looks at my with confusion, "take out the trash?"

"I mean me trash. Take me out. On a date. That's my condition."

He stares blankly. "Alright, let's go."

"Wait, now?"

"Why not?" he asks with a smirk. He picks me up bridal style and we walk back into the castle.

"Wha- Keith! Where are we going?"

He chuckles, "the condition was I have to take you out. You didn't say I have to tell you where to."

"You slimy son of a b-"

"Ah ah ah. No bad words, Dylan," Keith's smirk grows.

I huff. I might have just made a huge mistake.


Season 6 has me messed up. I'm feeding off of conspiracies and screencaps.

~ CoriShirogane

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