A Little Help

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Shiro's hard glare on me doesn't break. His body doesn't even shift.

"C'mon, Shiro! You have nothing to worry about! Everything will be fine." Keith tries to reason with the black paladin. (Yes, he's the black paladin let me have this.) Hunk and Pidge watch from their chairs in the bridge.

"Keith, you can't have her do this, " Shiro urged to the younger boy. "Why not? She's completely harmless." I stifle a laugh. "Yeah T, I'm totally harmless," I add with a tone of voice similar to Crush from Nemo and sink into Keith's chair. Shiro rolls his eyes and turns his glare to Keith.

"She shot you. Twice" he builds up evidence for his stance in the argument. "Hey, that was an accident!" I exclaim. "She didn't mean too. It was an honest mistake and it's completely irrelevant to this," Keith points out with me. I mean, it was kind of a mistake. I intended to shoot, but it wasn't meant for Keith.

"Nope. Nope. No no no. No way. And did I mention, NO!" Shiro argued. The red paladin huffs and walks over to Shiro, takes him by the arm. Lance walks in and stands behind Hunk.

"What's going on here?" he says in a tired voice. I turn to meet his face to see dark bags under his eyes and a droopy look on his face. "Why do you look like Blue dropped you off a cliff?" I asked amused.

The boy turns to me and stares, "why do you look like Pidge zapped you with her bayard?"

I fake gasp, "Uh! Rude! You insult me so."

Hunk laughs at the two of us, "ha, good one Lance." Pidge just shakes her head.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Keith and Shiro making their way back from their little chat. I spin a 360 in my chair and face them. "So whats the verdict?" I ask with hopeful eyes.

"Keith put up a good argument on your behalf. Don't mess up. If you loose all my game progress there will be repercussions," Shiro warns and walks away. I blink a few times after he leaves.

"Well then. Pass me a controller!" I exclaim. Keith walks over with a chuckle and hands me the game piece, lifting me up from his seat and placing me in his lap. "Let's do this! Razzle Dazzle Time!"

Lance whips his head around, "Hey! That's my line!"

"Not anymore, mano" I say with a Latina accent. Pidge adjusts her glasses and takes her own controller. She flips to 'resume game' and we start.

After a few minutes our virtual characters come across a door. "Dont go in there, Dylan. You'll die. Although you kind of deserve it after jumping on top of me to get to the top floor," Pidge says thinking it over.

"Rude part two," I say under my breath. Keith tightens his grip on me and laughs into my back. The shaking of his body makes me smile and almost forget what I'm doing.

"Watch out!" Pidge calls out to me. I jump over the flying obstacle and continue on my way.

"Keith, you better stop!"

"Stop what?"

"Distracting her!"

Despite what the green paladin says, Keith takes his hand and slyly creeps up and under my shirt and starts to draw patterns into my back. "You play a dangerous game, Kogane" I whisper.

Pidge's character races to catch up to mine as we approach the end. Hunk cheers us on from his chair.

Shiro silently re-enters the room. He leans up against the wall and smiled softly at the sight before him.

"Wait, Dylan you can't do that!"

The "loser" music of a failed attempt dances in the air and black fills the screen. My eyes widen and I drop the controller with an open mouth. "Oh shi-"


"Shut it, Hunk"


I jump from Keith's lap and practically hit the ceiling from such a scare. "Shiro! How ya' doin'?" I try, "you- you did me a real big frighten."

"This is whY I said-"

"I know I know I know. BUT-"

"No! No buts! Remember those 'repercussions' I was talking about? Well that starts now," he states before launching himself in my direction.

Nonononononononono No!

"Ah, Keith save me!"

After a bit of chasing Keith grabs me out of Shiro's way. "Oh thank the Gods."

"Hey, Shiro, catch!" Keith yells before throwing me in the older male's grasp.

"You traitor!" I start to say but I don't get much before it begins.

My descent into agony.

Shiro's fingers began to dance across my body and my laughter replaces my words. I writhe and thrash around in hopes of getting free but my attempts get nowhere.

My cackling grows tired and my gasps for air are more evident. Shiro finally lets me go and I collapse in the floor in a heap, breathing heavily as the last remaining giggles escape my lips.

I roll into my back to look at the faces of the other paladins. Each has a smile or smirk plastered to their faces. Snakes. They didn't even attempt to help me.

I see a gloved hand pop up in front of my face. I take it an pull myself up from the floor. I stare directly into Keith's eyes, "snake."

"Hey, he warned you that-"

"Yeah yeah I know. Repercussions."

Keith chuckles and pulls me into his body. "Do you still love me?" he asks. "I'll think about it," I reply and turn towards the door, giving the other paladins a look with my tongue sucking out.

"Wait, what do you mean 'you'll think about it'?" Keith calls and chats after me.

Y'all I swear this was supposed to go out a looong time ago. I'm really sorry if there is anyone that was waiting. I'll see what I can do for the next chapter!



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