Fine By Me

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".....lan." a voice calls from the darkness. "Dylan!"

"What! What's going on!" I yell as my eyes snap open. I scan across the room to find a couple of disappointed looks.

It's not my fault I fell asleep. Allura woke us up with another fake alarm early this morning. I barely slept.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" Shiro asks. "Um, well you see-" I start. "That's what I thought," he concluded, "as I was saying we will be going through a simulation for the Galra's new weapons for their sentries. We need to be prepared for our next battle."

I feel my eyes start to droop and sleep threatening to take over again until a nudge from someone on my right stops me.

I look over to where the nudge came from. Next to me I see my boyfriend, Keith, looking at me with an eyebrow raised in slight concern.

"You gonna survive till the end of training?" he questions me.

I huff, "not if Shiro doesn't stop droning on. I'll fall asleep for sure." Keith slips his arm around my shoulder and turns back to Shiro.

The comfort of the red paladin, even with our armor, only increased the call of rest.

"Alright gang. Let's get to it," Shiro requested as he ended his jabber of today's activities.

Much to my dismay, Keith pulls me up off the couch and basically drags me off to the training room.

Set up inside the training room is a huge obstacle like course with guardians placed at different points in the room. Nothing we've ever worked with before.


"So cool!"

"Holy crow!"


"And suddenly I'm not tired anymore."

We make our way to the center, slightly distracted by the new course.

"Reeeeeeady," Coran stretches out, "GO!"

-----Time Skip-----

After the long training session, I take a steaming hot shower and change into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I put on my glasses, and style my untamable hair into messy bun.

I decided to walk down to the library on the ship to find a good book. I feel the need to get lost in a different world.

The library has a fairly large assortment of books. Different colors and sized books catch my eye. I pick up the book that draws my attention the most, settle down on a couch in the central area of the library and open it up.

Soon I am fully immersed in the words that I don't notice Keith walk in with two drinks until he takes a seat next to me.

I turn my attention to him and smile when he hands me a steaming cup. "What's this?" I ask, looking into his piercing purple eyes.

"It's some drink Coran fixed up for me. Sort of like earth hot chocolate." I hum in acknowledgement while taking a sip of the strange liquid. 

"Can I sit here?" I chuckle at his question, "Fine by me."

I set the cup down on the small coffee table next to me and pick up my book. After a few pages, I glance at Keith and catch him reading the book in my possession. I watch him as he finishes the page and looks at me to turn the page.

When his eyes meet mine I smile. A small blush appears on his cheeks when he realizes I noticed him reading and he averts his eyes away from me like nothing happened. I giggle at his adorable flushed face and get up off the couch. The hot headed boy looks at me with confusion written all over his face.

"Puts your legs up on the couch," I tell him. He does what I say without question surprisingly. Once he is settled, I climb up and take my seat in his lap.

"What are you doing?" Keith asks me. "Getting comfortable," I reply with a small smirk.

I return to the page I was left on in my book and make sure Keith can see over my shoulder. "Are you good?"

"Mhm," he hums and the corners of his lips pull up into a smile. I feel his hands slowly wrap around my lower stomach underneath my sweatshirt and his head rest on my right shoulder. I lean close and peck him on the cheek.

We read like this for a while. Turns out I read a little bit faster then Keith does. When I need to turn the page, I make sure Keith is done and gives me a small nod as a signal before I do.

"Aaachoo!" I sneeze and my glasses slide down the bridge of my nose. "Bless you," Keith chuckles and reaches up to push my frames back up.

We only get a few more pages in before Hunk walks into the library looking for us. Distracted by the book, we don't notice him walk up behind the couch we're sitting on.

"Aw, I ship it so hard!"

Startled, Keith and I whip our heads around at the voice that broke the silence in the room. "Hunk!'

"What? Sorry," he says defensively. "Can we help you?" Keith asks impatiently.

"Oh yeah," he remembers, "dinner is ready and on the table so come and get it." He turns and walks to the door.

"Thanks Hunk!" I yell toward him as he exits the library. I bookmark our page and attempt to get off the couch. Keith tightens his hold on my waist and buries his face in the crook of my neck. "Keith no we have to get up," I say trying to push his arms off and get out of his grasp.

"No we don't." His voice comes out muffled from my neck. "Yes we do. I'm hungry."

He stays put. "Babe, please?" I beg. He huffs against my neck and releases me. A soon as I'm free I spring up out of his lap and sprint out of the room. "Race you to the dining room!" I challenge him behind me.

I see Keith smile widely as he takes off after me. "You're on!"

I approach the kitchen and hesitate before entering to turn around. Big mistake. Right behind me is the red paladin. Before I have time to react, he has my hands pinned up above my head. My body is trapped between the wall and his larger frame.

He stares deep into my eyes and has a devious smirk plastered to his face. "H-hey Keith-" I stutter before him lips crash into mine, shutting me up instantly.

We stay connected until the "wall" open up and we fall to the ground. Keith is on top of me with his gloved hands still holding my wrists. He lets go and hovers over me.

"How nice of you two to finally join us."

Keith and I look to the voice. Everything is upside down to me from where I am in the floor. At the table sits all the Paladins and Alteans with their food almost finished.

"Uh hehehe," I laugh nervously. "My OTP," I hear Hunk coo quietly. Keith stands up and offers me a hand.

We walk to the table and take our seats next to each other and start eating awkwardly.

" was everyone's day?" I ask trying to break the loud silence. Everyone except Keith and I laugh lightly and continue in small conversations amongst each other.

"You want to finish reading that book after this?" I ask Keith. "Fine by me," he says with a smirk.

It's been a a while since my last post. This one is fluffy.

~ CoriShirogane

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