Pick-up lines

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"Lance leave me alone," I say, venom dripping from my voice. I walk faster down the hallway trying to escape the blue paladin. "Is your name wifi? Cause I'm feeling a connection," the boy states confidently, jogging a bit to catch back up to me. "There's no WiFi here. We're in space," I say through gritted teeth. This is getting old.

Over the past week Lance has been following me like a lost puppy. Everytime he opens his mouth a new pick up line comes out. How he hasn't run out of lines is beyond me. "You must be a keyboard because you're just my type." Another pick up line.

I huff and try to ignore the Cuban boy.  I was headed to the training room to practice hand to hand combat with Keith, my best friend, before Lance started harassing me. With every pick up line the walk down the castle hallways seems longer. "If you were a laser you would be set on stunning."

Why is this happening to me? I'm not that pretty or anything. Allura is much prettier than me. Can Lance go hit on her instead? Walking through the training room doors, I bend down to set my water and towel down against the wall. "Wow girl, you're hotter than the bottom of my laptop," I hear from behind me.

I snap to attention and glare at the tall boy, "Why are you glaring at me?" he asks. "I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust," I reply nonchalantly and turn to walk to Keith for training. Before I reach the red paladin, the brunette speaks one last line, "is your name Ariel? Because I think we were mermaid for each other."

I groan, dropping my head to rest on Keith shoulder. "Can you hit me with your knife?" I ask the raven haired male. "I believe the technical term is 'stab'," he corrects me. "I don't care, just do it. End me now," I say but my words are muffled from me burying my face in his shoulder.

He chuckles and pushes my body away from his. I pout, missing his touch but quickly change my expression. I might have a slight crush on him but only Pidge knows. I don't want to ruin our friendship. We've known each other for 5 years.

"What's going on?"Keith asks me. "Lance won't stop trying to flirt with me. I've told him so stop but he's so determined. I don't even like him like that," I return. Sure Lance was a nice guy... when he wasn't trying to flirt with me 24/7. "Forget about him. Let's train," Keith smirks, shifting to a battle stance. I smirk back and get in my own stance, "you're on."

After an hour of constant fighting, my body was getting weak. So was Keith. I noticed his footwork getting sloppy. I took my chance and kick his legs out from under him. He falls to the ground, barely getting a breath in before I'm on top of him, pinning him to the ground. "I win," I pant with a big smile plastered to my face.

Keith pants heavily, "yeah. I guess you did." I climb off the boy and offer my hands. He takes them and pulls himself up but keeps my hands in his. Keith opens his mouth about to say something and my heart beats faster but he gets interrupted. "Nice job sis," Shiro says with a proud smile over the speakers in the training room. We both look to the booth where the black paladin was. Inside with him was the rest of team Voltron and the Alteans minus Lance.

I blush at the awkwardness of the situation. Why does he have to be here now? "Keith got beat by a girl. Woah! Good going Dylan!" Hunk exclaims. "Um, thanks," I say slightly uncomfortable under their watch. The group starts to pile out of the room and Keith turns his attention back to me.

I blush again, remembering that out hands are still interlocked. I hear the red paladin's deep breath before he starts to speak, "Dylan, I have to to tell you something." I stare deeply into his eyes, getting lost in the beautiful dark purple color. "Wha-what is it?" I stammer and I feel his hands tense up in mine. "I think...I think I'm in love with my best friend."

What. I stare at him, processing the words that he said in disbelief. "You- you what?" I squeak out. Panic washes over Keith's face. "I-i didn't mean-" he starts until he is interrupted once again. "Just kiss already!" Pidge yells over the speakers. I guess she stayed behind to watch.

I look at Keith. He's a blushing mess. I feel the heat increase in my face but I find my courage. "I love you too," I grab him by the collar of his midnight black shirt and press my lips against his. He passes his moment of shock and kisses back with passion, slowly placing his hands on my waist and back.

"Hey Dylan, I just finished studying the book of numbers, but I noticed I don't have your-," I hear Lance's voice slowly fade out. Keith and I break apart and face the boy who just walked in. Lance looks at us in astonishment, "I did not believe you when you said you liked him. I didn't think it was possible."

Hold on a tick. "How do you remember that? You were very unconscious at the time," I say recalling the time I let it slip that I liked Keith. To my defense, Lance was knocked out cold thanks to a bomb in the castle. I didn't think he was gonna hear me!

Lance shrugs. "Just because you and Keith are dating doesn't mean I'll stop with the pick up lines cutie," he says with a smirk and a wink. Keiths face darkens. "Yes it does." he growls at the Cuban and pulls me closer to him protectively. Lance's face drops. "Well..now that I made it weird, I'm going to make my exit," he says and backs out the door.

"Why has this day been so weird?" I ask, placing my head on Keith chest. "I don't know but your lips look so lonely. Would they like to meet mine?" the paladin states. I remove my head from his chest and glare at him, "right now I don't know would if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge." He reaches for me, "can I pick?"

I escape his hands and walk to my water and towel. "Keith, I love you but don't touch me right now. We've been together for a few minutes and it's going downhill at high speeds," I say exiting the room. "Wait no!" Keith calls, chasing after me.

Ay. Another chapter out. Flameo hotman!
.......that's all I got. I'm awkward.


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