Falling In Love

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Ever since I was little, the ocean called me. Not like Moana if that's what you're thinking. Its beauty was just... captivating. The waves crashing outside the cliffs near my house was my favorite spot to go during the day or clear my mind.

This was also my favorite spot to paint. The glistening water was inspirational and the temptation of recreating them on a canvas was strong.

This was normal for me. Like I said, I'm out here all the time. But the events of today will never leave my mind.

Already today I have spent hours upon hours painting the landscape before me. My clothes are decorated with little spots of white, cobalt, teal and various others. My easel and canvas are set up close to the edge of the cliff with a new angle of the beach and cliff side. I paint as much as I can of the chaos of the foam and water down below me.

I feel my legs slowly becoming numb as I work. I sigh and attempt to reposition myself in a more comfortable position. This is were I made my mistake.

As I move my body in my chair, my foot kicks the leg of the easel and it wobbles closer to the edge. My mind plays images of the easel falling. I can't have hours of work destroyed. I swifty leap from my seat the reach for my artwork.

Before I know what happened, I feel my body continue to move forward. Suddenly there is no more solid ground underneath my feet and I'm falling instead of my painting.

The air rushes past my ears and blows my hair in different directions. I'm too panicked to scream. My voice doesn't come out. All I can do is close my eyes and brace for death.

But death never comes. Or any pain at all really. Instead of the ground I feel as if I'm being craddled by the arms people.


I open my eyes to find myself placed in the middle of the arms of two men like the flyer of a basket toss. Stunned by not dying and random people catching me, I leap from their arms. "Miss, are you okay?" one asks.

The man is tall with broad shoulders. He has mostly black hair in and undercut style with a white floof. His fossil gray eyes show great concern. "Y-yeah. I think I'm okay. Considering I just fell off a cliff," I reply. "What happened for you to fall?" I hear from the other male behind me.

His apperance shocks me. The features that make up his handsome figure pull me in. His charcoal black hair and violet eyes seem to sparkle in the sunlight.

Oh my gosh he's beautiful.

"Uh, thanks." His voice is smoky.

Did I say that out loud?

"I am SO sorry!" I exclaim, "I did not mean to say that out loud." I try to hide my embarrassment.

"It's okay," he chuckles, "so how did you fall?" he asks looking up to the cliff.

"I -um- I was painting near the edge and I kicked out the leg of my canvas. I went to grab it and fell." I try to explain without sounding ridiculous, but that's pretty impossible.

The taller man speaks up, "are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I am. Thank you..." I realize I never got their names.

"Shiro," he gestures to himself, "and that's Keith."

I look back at Keith to see him looking at me and I blush. "Thank you, Shiro and Keith. My name is Dylan."

"Nice to meet you, Dylan. I recommend you stay away from the edge. You might not be so lucky next time," Shiro adds.

"Yeah. You're right about that," I agree, "are you guys new around here? I've never seen you before."

The males look at each other. "Yeah we're new."

I look back up the cliff, "well, I guess I better get going. Thank you again for not letting me die."

"You're welcome. Be safe," Shiro waves and starts to walk away. I turn to make my own way before a hand pulls me back.

"Wait, Dylan. I was wondering if... you maybe...wanted to...go out sometime?" Keith struggles to get out.

"You want to go out with me? Why? I'm a disaster. I literally just fell off a cliff."

"You're not the only one falling for things today," he replies.

Oh he's good. Sly dog.

"Alright sure," I say and give him my phone number, "I'll see you soon, yeah?"

"Yeah, definitely."

"Keith! Let's go c'mon!" Shiro calls.

"I gotta go. Bye," Keith waves and takes off after him.

So not only did I fall off a cliff, I fell for a boy and he fell for me too.

Mango, My Love (Keith x OC)Where stories live. Discover now