Road Trips

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It's quiet. Well, quiet except the soft hum of the car rolling on the road. I move my arm to the center compartment, feeling a bit restless. Looking out the window, I see trees and cars moving fast. The colors blur together. Wow...I'm bored. I tap my fingers on the solid plastic cover of the compartment. *Taptaptaptap tap*

A hand makes it's way to mine, stopping my quick tapping. "Hm?" I question, looking at my hand, then to the person who halted my motions. "You're distracting me," Keith says, eyes on the road as he drives. "Sorry," I say in a low voice.

Instead of tapping my fingers, I cross my legs. I start shaking the leg that is on top of the other, moving it in random directions. I cross my arms over my chest, taking one finger and tapping it rapidly against my arm. Finally, I move my jaw side to side, desperately trying to cure my restlessness. After a few moments, a hand of the driver returns, being placed on my thigh.

"Are you okay?" Keith asks me. "Y-yeah. I'm fine," I reply, freezing my movements in place in an attempt to reassure him I'm fine. Even if I'm not. Staring out the windshield to the freeway road, I hear the black hair boy huff, removing his hand from my leg. After a few minutes, we approach an exit. Our car merges onto the ramp. This isn't our exit. "Where are you going?" I question, "this isn't our exit."

Our speed decreases as we near a stop light. "We're stopping at we can talk," Keith responds. Anxiety fills my body, radiating from my center outward. "What d-do we have to talk about?" I question him. My partner turns his head to me, giving me a 'really' look by rasing his eyebrows. He looks to the road again, driving along the road. We pull into a gas station and Keith parks the car. Oh no.

My breathing hitches as I feel his eyes on me. "You want to tell me what's wrong now?" I hesitate for a second. "I told you, I'm fine," I say. "When a girl says she's 'fine'," he says making air quotes, "she not really fine." I let out a quiet sigh so Keith doesn't hear. I give him my best smile. "I'm just feeling restless. It's fine," I say.

Keith turns back to the steering wheel, staring straight ahead. Suddenly he unlocks the doors and exits into the gas station. "Well, that was weird," I say to myself, now alone in the car. I unbuckle my seatbelt and start to stretch, bending my body side to side as much as the small space will allow. When I'm done I place the seatbelt back over me. A soft click is heard when it snaps into place. I look up to see Keith exiting the store. In his hand is a drink and a bag of our favorite chips.

The door opens and the boy with a red cropped jacket enters, handing me his snacks. I take his items, giving him a questioning look. Keith chuckles at me. "I thought I'd get you a little something," he says, starting the car up. I might as well. I shrug my shoulders and open the chip bag. "Thank you," I say to him, popping a chip into my mouth.

We get back on the high speed road, proceeding to our route. There is still something missing. "Can I-," I start, thinking over if the male likes music in the car. "Can you what?" Keith asks, beckoning me to continue. "Can I...turn on the music?" I finish my previous question cautiously. He laughs. "Of course," he laughs more, "were you afraid to ask?" "Well I just- *huff* nevermind," I say with a grumpy face. I plug my phone into the aux cord and pick my music.

We drive for a few minutes, listening to music. I quietly sing along to the songs, listening closely for if Keith decides to sing too. My arm is bumped by another arm, and I look down. Keith is shaking his open hand, signaling for me to hold it. I smack my hand down into his, grasping it tight. We look at each other and smile. "Look at the road dork, not at me," I say grinning from ear to ear. It's pretty obvious my restlessness is cured.

He looks back at the road with a chuckle, pulling our tangled hands closer to him and placing them on his lap. I pick up a chip with my free hand and bring it up the my mouth. I take a bite, scanning our surroundings outside. When I turn to Keith's window, I see his mouth his open. What? I slowly take another chip from the bag, trying to figure out what he wants.

"Ah," he says, mouth open like a dentist asked him to open up. "What do you want?" I ask him, clearly confused and not catching on. He eyes my chip, his mouth still hanging open. Wait...ohhhhhh. I finally clue in and pick up a chip, dropping it into his mouth. He closed his mouth, chomping on the chip, making a cracking noise as it breaks.

I giggled at his silliness. It's unusual for him. A complete opposite of his normal reserved, and easily irritated self. "Cute," I say, referring to his actions. His face become slightly more serious. "I'm not cute," he says. I can tell he like it when I call him cute, he just in denial. "Whatever you say, Keith," I respond with a smirk. The raven haired boy scoffs.

We drive along until we reach the correct exit. We make our way down to my brother's house, our destination. I'll admit, I'm a bit shocked that Keith is still locking on to my hand. I'm not complaining, I'm just surprised.

A new song starts up. At the first few notes, Keith and I snap to attention, letting go of our hands. Huge smiles are plastered to our faces. The lyrics mix with the audio in perfect harmony. We both sing along to the glorious song.

We pull into the driveway of my brother's house. The song has about another minute or so until it's over. We sing at the top of our lungs, not caring who hears. Keith has the voice of an angel. No kidding. I have been singing since forever.

Little did we know, my brother, Shiro, had seen us pull up. He snuck out the door without our notice. He pulled out his phone and proceeded to take a video, all the way until the end of the song. Just as he was about to end the video, he stopped.

The song finished. Keith and I burst into laughter. We both unbuckle and turn to each other. "Thanks for driving," I thank my boyfriend with a smile. "No problem," he replies back with the same smile. The purple eyed boy leans in close to me, planting a sweet kiss on my lips. When we pull apart, I look back at Keith, clamping a hand over my mouth trying not to laugh.

Keith eyes me with a questioning look, raising his eyebrows. I can't hold in my laugh any longer. "Babe," I say between laughs, "red is totally your color." Unbeknownst to us, Shiro zooms in on Keith face. He had heard us through Keith's cracked window. "Huh?" I pull down the driver side mirror and turn his face to his reflection. "Wha- Ew. Gross," Keith exclaims, finding a stamp of my red lipstick on his lips and wiping it off on his sleeve.

We jump when we hear a tap on the windshield, spotting Shiro holding up a video camera. "Hey," he calls from outside, "stop kissing my sister!" I'm mortified. I bury my face in my hands, embarrassed that he caught us on film. Keith climbs out of the car, walking towards mine. "Shiro, Really?" Keith says. "Heh, it was a cute moment," is his answer. My door opens and Keith takes my small hand in his larger one, helping me out of the car.

"Don't send that to anyone," I say to my brother, a deep blush on my face. "No promises," Shiro says with a smirk, "mom is a curious person." I growl at him and Keith lets out a nervous laugh as we walk to Shiro's front door. "So how much of that did you get?" Keith asks my brother. "Let's just say, you're a pretty good singer Keith. Perfect for my little sister," my brother says, walking ahead of us into his house.

"Shiro!" I yell. A soft gasp escapes Keith's lips. He walks close to me, holding me from behind and resting his head on my shoulder. I hear him let out a groan of frustration. Keith normally keeps his singing to a minimum. As in no singing at all. Now the secret is out.  I sigh. "I apologise on my ignorant brother's behalf."

What a road trip.

Exactly 1500 words! Ayyyyy. Ok anyways here y'all go. I don't have anything to say.


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