Captured Part 2

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This is a bit shorter than the last chapter, but that's okay...

The fighting eventually wears Keith down a bit. The man take the advantage, striking Keith with his sparking rods."Gah!" Keith let's out an agonizing cry as the electricity surges through his body. "Keith!" I yell as he hits the floor. That's IT!

I build up my strength and look to the metal bed frame. Using my bending, I tear away a side of the frame and hurdle it in the man's direction. Once the metal made contact with the man's body, I wrapped it around, encasing the man's chest and torso in metal. Then man staggers forward from the sudden contact and drops one of his rods.

A loud scream rips through the air as the man gets zapped by his own weapons. The weakened man fades in and out of consciousness. Before he completely blacks out, he takes his other powered rod and shoots the electricity at my weak body, falling to the floor right after.

My eyes widen and my mouth drops. The lightning reaches my body and I react as quick as I can. The electricity strikes my hand, and I feel the energy burning me from the inside. I move the energy from my arm, to the pit of my stomach. The energy exits my other arm, blasting glowing blue lightning to the ceilings as I scream out in pain.

Feeling dizzy, I almost tip over, but instead I fall into the arms of my lover. "Dylan are you okay?" Keith questions me, desperately waiting for a response. "I'm...fine," I say in between breaths, "we need to get out of here." I carefully get up with Keith's help, headed for the exit.

We enter the long hallway, searching around for the way out of the building . "Halt!" We hear a voice from behind us. Not again. We turn to see a lone Agni Kai a couple feet away from us at the end of the hallway.

Keith throws me over his shoulder, running as fast as he can with his injuries and extra weight. The Agni Kai bounds after us, grabbing Keith's jacket and pulling him back. My momentum keeps my body moving forwards and I hit the wall with a loud thud. I pick up my feeble body to see the man picking Keith up by a fistful of his black shirt, about to shock him with another electric rod. "NO!" I yell, making an attempt to stop the action.

I pick up my fist and punch, sending a forceful blow of air at the man. "Wha-" the man starts to say, turning around to me, only to come face to face with air. He drops Keith as he gets hit with my attack. The man sails backwards, hitting the wall with so much force, it breaks. Bit and pieces of brick fly everywhere, leaving an exit from the building. The last thing heard from the man was a yell and a  splash as he hit the cold, ocean water.

"Hey!" I turn, seeing more men heading our way. "Keith, we gotta go," I say racing towards him. "Go where?" he asks. "There," I say, taking his hand and jumping from the 9th floor of the building into the water, feeling the hard hit of the impact and separating from Keith, blacking out.

A few seconds later, my eyes flash open and I search around for Keith. I find him swimming towards me. I reach out my hand and grasp his tightly. I focus all my energy on the water around us. I feel the water gather and push us upwards. We break the surface gasping for air after being under the frigid water for so long. When we look down, we are about 7 floors up, standing on a tornado of water.

I hold Keith close, making sure he is safe on the water as I look back to to building. Multiple Agni Kai members are at the broken part of the building where we jumped out staring and pointing at us and more are racing our way by boat and from the oceans shore.

"What now?" Keith yells over the loud sounds of the rushing water. "I...I...I don't know, but we have to get to a safe place," I say. Where do we go? I bend the water tornado (pffft. Waternado. Ok I'm done) to sea level and move us across the water as fast as I can away from the building and the oncoming enemies. I take water and bend it to a boat shape, freezing it to hold its form for Keith to ride in while I move take us to safety.

In the distance I see a large green object. What is that? "That's the Green Lion!" states Keith, "but how did they know where we were?" The tracker! Pidge! "Pidge set a tracker on you when you were taken. She traced it to us," I state recalling my memory.

As we neared the Green Lion, the sound of a motor was heard over the roaring water. Out of the corner of my eyes I see masked Agni Kai members on a speedboat, veering  towards Keith and I, about about to ram into us. While keeping the boat moving, I bend more water to my arm, creating a water tentacle.

Once the boat was in reach, I extended my tentacle and grabbed the driver and the two other members, tossing them carelessly into the water, making the boat speed off, hitting another boat within my sight. The boats collided with a loud explosion, sending water and boat pieces into the air.

Our makeshift boat approached the cliff where the lion was spotted. I bend Keith and I up to the edge of the land. The adrenaline vanishes from within me and exhaustion replaces it. I lay on the soft grass, panting to catch my breath. The paladins all spot us and sprint our way. "Keith, Dylan!"

I feel myself getting picked up by someone and I am embraced in a warm group hug. Keith and I groan in pain from our injuries and the paladins let go.  A chorus of "what happened" and "are you okay"s went around and around. I give Shiro a pleading look. I'm wiped out. "Let's give them some time before we bombarded them with questions," Shiro says to the group. "Thank you," Keith says relieved. We all make our way to the lions, but I stay back. Taking one last look at the water, I walk to catch up with everyone.

I head to the mouth of the black lion, where my brother is taking Keith and I back in. Before I reach the ramp, my eyes make contact with deep purple ones. A small smile creeps into Keith face, making me smile too. I take the first step into the ramp, but thats all I get.

There is a sudden pain in my right shoulder. Warm blood drips down my back. More pain fills my body as I bring my hand to touch the area, finding that I've been shot. I'm too weak and my knees give out. I collapse on the metal ramp. "Dylan? Dylan!" I hear yells all around but everything is a blur. Shiro rushes to me, putting my head in his lap. "Stay awake sis, c'mon," he whispers. His voice is not too clear in my ears. I feel a pair of strong arms lift me up. "You have to stay awake. Focus on me, count out loud," a red blob next to me states. "Keith?" I question with a whisper. "Y-yes?" the blob responds. "I'm tired, babe-" I start to say as I black out.
Here's part two! Posted just a couple seconds after part one! Cause I'm strange! Heyooooo! Will there be a part three? Who knows. I don't that's for sure! As you can tell I'm really tired rn. Yeet! Okokokokay.
Goodnight! *whips*
Yeah I'm done now.

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