Back to You

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It's been six months. Six heavy, brutal months since the love of my life was taken from me.

Not a day went by where I didn't think about her and wish she were here with me. She was my everything and in an instant that all changed.

The pain I felt only grew. I miss her warm smile, her soft hands and lips, the silky feel of her hair as it runs through my fingers, her sparkling eyes when she talks about something she loves and everything else. My heart ached for her, but I wasn't the only one.

You can see the changes in the others after that day. The color has been drained from everything around us leaving it drab and meaningless.

After Dylan died in action, every post mission is even more difficult. Our new mission is to catch a unidentified rebel that has been causing trouble on our previous mission.

"Matt with Hunk, Pidge with Lance, and Keith with me. We know our plan so let's execute it well. We need to grab the quintessence cases and get out. If the rebel is spotted, send out your location and engage," Shiro explains. Heads nod in agreement. We set off to the lion and take to the small Galra base on the blue planet, Orion.

Our lions approach the base and our mission begins. Quickly, Hunk and Lance take out the front guards before splitting off to their partners.

The others are soon out of sight and Shiro and I creep down the purple hallways taking out occasional troops.

"The quintessence should be behind that door, Shiro," Pidge's voice comes from over the comms.

We inch closer to the large doorway. Shiro crosses the hall to the other side of the door. The doors hiss open and we duck out of sight from the Galra exiting the room. Once they're gone, Shiro mouths, "on three. One, two-"

Before he can get to three, the sound of metal crashing to the ground interrupts. Laser gunshots fill the air from behind the door. Bodies slam against the door. Shiro and I jump to action.

The door open to reveal a hidden figure slicing through the last sentry in the room.

The door open to reveal a hidden figure slicing through the last sentry in the room

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(This is the outfit. Imagine a mask covering the face. I couldn't fine one so.... Credit to artist)

Shiro powers up his hand before speaking loudly, "who are you? What are you doing here?"

The figure turns slowly at the sound of his voice, setting into a battle ready stance with their sword in hand. I summon my bayard and take my own stance, ready for a fight.

There is a faint gasp from the figure and the sword is dropped, falling to the ground. "Who are you?," Shiro repeats.

The unknown being reaches up to their face and slowly pulls off their mask and hood. Ink black hair unravels, settling at the shoulders of the figure.

Sparkling blue eyes meet mine. A gasp escapes my lips. Dylan.

I drop my bayard and take off, sprinting as fast as I can towards the girl, heart beating out of my chest. She does the same and jumps into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist and burying her face into my neck.

"I missed you so much. How are you here? I thought you were dead," I ramble rapidly, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"I missed you, too," she cries into me. She jumps down and cups my face and kisses me with her soft lips. A kiss which I've longed for an eternity. Nothing could ever replace this feeling, the fire that she lights within me. We break apart and she looks behind me.

"Shiro," she breathes out, taking off for him too. They embrace in a tight, bone crushing hug. Dylan's face is placed right on Shiro's chest as he is so much taller than her. I chuckle at the sight.

"What happened to you-"

Before the sentence is finished, the doors are opened revealing a stampede of Galra troops, guns drawn.

I summon my bayard back to my hand and step in front of Dylan. She's not getting away from me. Not again.

-----Time Skip-----

We return to the Castle of Lions with the quintessence and Dylan.

Shiro and I enter the room where everyone is gathered. "Team," Shiro grabs their attention, "I have some news."

Their faces twist in confusion. "We found the rebel. And we've brought them aboard."

"You what?! You brought them on my ship?" Allura questions in disbelief. "Don't worry princess. I think you'll get along just fine," he finishes with a smile and I smirk.

The door open and Dylan walks in, an awkward smile on her face. The group has utter shock written all over them. "Uh, surprise! I'm back from the dead. Isn't that exciting?" she greeted, unsure of their reactions.

"Dylan!" They all screamed and charged at the girl. "Oof!"

The pile of people on the floor attempting to hug Dylan gabble on, asking the same questions we did.

"What happened to you?"

"How are you here?"

"You're alive?"

"How did you find us?"

Dylan chuckle from below the bodies, "I can answer that if I am allowed to get up."

The group stands back up with a light laugh.

"So, you all remember what happened before I..." Dylan started uneasily, thinking back to the horrible day. Heads nod around the room and smiles fade away.

"Well after I got shot, I fell off a ledge and landed in a pool of some strange blue liquid. Then I just-" she pauses, "woke up I guess? I remember emerging from the pool. My skin was glowing and I felt no pain."

"I checked myself for the shot wound but it was like it was never there." Dylan's face darkens, "I have no idea how long I was out for or where you guys were but I knew I had to find you." Her eyes lock with mine.

"I just had to," she says just over a whisper.

She continues the story, telling us how she went from planet to planet in a Galra cruiser that was left behind. She continued finding ways to tamper with the Galra and their plans and it eventually led her to us.

"I'm so happy I found you all," Dylan cries, tears returning to her eyes. "Don't cry now. Let's go celebrate with dessert!" Hunk exclaims and takes off for the kitchen. The rest of the group follows while I stay behind with Dylan.

I hug her from behind, wrapping my arms around her small figure and resting my face in the crook of her neck, breathing in her heavenly scent. The memories of all the days without her came flooding back.

All of the sleepless nights, the days without eating or showering.  "When-when you left-" I struggle to get out before she turns around in my arms and stops me with her silvery voice, "don't worry about that now, Keith. I'm here with you. I'm safe."

I smile softly and hold her closer to my chest, "I love you, Dylan."

"I love you too, Keith," she pulls apart from my embrace with a smile, "now, let's go get some dessert!"

She takes my hand and runs to the kitchen, dragging me along. A broad smile spreads across my face and a chuckle escapes my lips. I missed her.

Hi! Please point out any mistakes you find while reading. I didn't really edit this all the way through. Thank you so much for reading this book!



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