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In this chapter, my character has elemental powers like the avatar. It's is a mix of Voltron and Legend of Korra but a bit different. Picture credit to Amezure. It's one of my top favorites.


That's the only thing I see when I slowly open my eyes and examined the small room in confusion. What happened? I dont remember anything. I quickly close my eyes in pain as a headache suddenly emerges. I attempt moving my hand across the dusty, cold dirt floor, only to see my hands in handcuffs. What? Where am I?

My eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness and I take in my surroundings. There is a small twin sized bed with metal chains at either end attaching it to the wall. Engraved into the wall is a symbol. The symbol of the Agni Kai's, the most dangerous, triad group on the planet Merrick. My eyes widen to the size of saucers as all the memories flood into my head.

We were walking down the street. Keith and I holding hands while Lance and Pidge were trailing behind. We were window shopping, scoping out all the shops we wanted to visit while we were stationed on a new planet. We walked to the corner to cross the street when we saw a man getting tortured by five tall, brooding men, pleading for mercy while continually getting kicked as blood ran down his face from his nose. "Hey, stop!" Keith yelled. The men turned around, some with menacing glares and others with intrigued smirks. A man with a scar running down from his cheek to the corner of his lip peaks first, " What yous gone do bout it eh?" he said with a thick, New Jersey like accent. "How a
bout we show yous," Lance said in a mocking tone as we all got into a fighting stance. The smile fades from the mans face and he grits his teeth. He snaps his fingers and four masked men drop from the rooftops. We are outnumbered five to nine now. The masked men make the first move headed for each of us. I deepen my stance, ready for an attack. My opponent throws quick punches at me as I dodge as best as I can, sliding under and blocking his blows. I counterattack with powerful kicks and punches of my own, reminding myself not to use my bending abilities. It's too dangerous to expose myself. After a few minutes of constant fighting, I find an opening. Taking the opportunity, I swing my leg into a hook kick, taking the skilled fighter to the ground. One down, more to go. But then...

I hesitated, Looking at my friends in their own battles.

Another masked man comes up behind me, ready to deliver a hard blow to my still body. "No!" I hear a loud yell from behind me. Im pushed to the side, falling to the ground. I turn around to see Keith on the ground. He took the hit....for me. My face turns to pure terror. I'm frozen in fear for my partner. One of the remaining triad members grabs Keith off the ground, sprinting to the exit "Stop!" I yell, gathering my strength to fight. I look over my shoulder to see Pidge throw a tracker onto Keith without his captors notice. We are outnumbered and tired. With no weapons, this will be a hard fight. We can't save Keith....I can't save Keith. Rage fills my body. I run at the closest gang member to me, knocking him down with quick jabs to different spots on his body. He falls to the ground, unable to move.

Bam. I collapse to the floor as immense pain from my head replaces my previous rage. "Dylan!" someone calls out. My name is the last thing I hear before my world goes black.

Nononononono! The only thing on my mind is what happened to everyone. I pear down at my locked wrists for my communicator wristband. It's gone. Of course. What did I expect? I examine the handcuffs, looking at the material. Bingo! I take a deep breath and focus on the metal object. I move my hands the best that I can with the restraints attempting to bend them off of my arms. It doesn't work. It must be titanium. Titanium is too pure of a metal for me to bend. Why did it have to be titanium? Who even has titanium handcuffs? Is that a thing on this planet? With a huff, I rethink my strategies.

I could concentrate a small, hot flame and heat up the chains enough to break them. It's worth a try. Focusing once more, I make a finger gun with my hand. The flame flashes into life. Slowly, I begin heating the silver metal. After some time, I manage to break free. I stand up, rubbing my free wrists. Now how do I get out of here? Looking around the area, I find a broken glass window that was not visible from my spot on the floor. Peaking out, I realize I am in a tall abandoned, brick building near the ocean on the 9th floor.

Then, the sound of a lock opening is heard from behind me. In a split second I'm back to the floor, returning to the same position I was in before. The door slowly creaks open, and light shines through. As the door widens, two shadows are seen in the light. "Ah, you're awake," the voice from the hidden figures states. I recognize the voice. Its the man with the scar. I narrow my eyes, glaring at the man with a scowl. I can hear the smirk on his face. The man throws a body to the ground next to me. Keith!

Grasping the broken chains behind me to seem like I'm still restrained, I rush to Keith's side. He picks himself up, groaning in pain. "Keith! Keith, are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask frantically, running my eyes up and down his body looking for visual injuries. "Dylan! How are you here?" Keith asks me as he brings his hands to my face, brushing his thumbs across my cheeks. "I have a plan," I carefully show him my broken handcuffs, "Follow my lead," I say at a whisper so the scarred man can't hear and leaning into Keith's comforting touch.

I turn back to the Agni Kai member. "What are you going to do with us?" I ask. "Yous'll find out soon, princess," he replies with a devious smirk. I hear Keith's low growl at the man from behind me. He pulls me closer to his chest, almost shielding me from the man.

He slowly walks towards Keith and I. I give Keith a quick look not to do anything. The scarred man grabs Keith by his red jacket collar, and pulls him out the door. When they reach the door frame, I take my shot. Punching downwards, intense fire shoot vertically at the man. He spins to dodges my attack, tossing Keith to the ground once more. "Big mistake princess," the man replies, taking a fighting stance. I scowl at his words, blasting another wave of fire at him with a swift uppercut and a straight punch. The man flip over the fire, closing the space between us as he grows closer.

I am taken by surprise as he appears directly in front of my face. He grabs me by the neck, raising my body into the air. Gasping for air from his tight grip, I claw at his hands for any chance he'll let go. I see Keith come running our direction. Keith kicks my opponent in the back. I am dropped to the ground, coughing and hacking, holding my hands around my throat as Keith runs to my side.

The man gradually gets up, pulling out two handheld rods, more enraged than before. He fills a switch and electricity flows through the rod with sharp cracking sound. I push myself up and Keith and I take our stances, ready for an attack. The angered gang member flings his arms behind him, speeding towords us. As he approaches, Keith jumps to the side. I power up, launching myself into the air above the crazed attacker.

He stops quickly and turns to face me as I land softly on the floor. My turn. I charge at the man, anger written all over face. I see the electric rod nearing my side. I jump back into my hands, tucking my body into my chest as the rod makes it's way across where my body previously was. I push myself back up, exploding fire from my feet directly at the man.

The man dodges, kicking me in the abdomen and I let out a pained groan, skidding across the cool floor as Keith takes his turn. Keith starts forward, attacking with various punches and kicks while the Agni Kai member blocks and gets a few hit in. The fighting eventually wears Keith down a bit. The man take the advantage, striking Keith with his sparking rods."Gah!" Keith let's out an agonizing cry as the electricity surges through his body. "Keith!" I yell as he hits the floor. That's IT!
Hi! I decided to cut this chapter into two parts so it's not so long. Anyways credit to ATLA/LOK creator, VLD creators and all that jazz. Until next time y'all!

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