Don't Shoot

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"Get your lazy butt out of this bed right now, Dylan."

"No! Go away!"

I hear Keith groan. "Just get up! It's not that hard!"

"NO! I'M HIBERNATING!" I refuse. There's no way I'm getting out of this bed.

"What do you mean hibernating? It's not cold out! And you're not even an animal!" Keith argues.


Keith let's out an aggravated sigh, "Just get out of bed, babe! We have team bonding!"


"You know what? Fine! That's it," Keith says before picking me up from within my mountain of blankets and pillows.

"Wha- he-hey! Put me down!" I struggle against his hold. His hand grip me tighter. "Nope, you're getting up." I huff.

He carries me through my bedroom door to the training room and I groan. "Why do you hate me so much?"

Keith scoffs. "I don't hate you. We have things to do that require you to get up," he states sarcastically.

The paladin finally sets me down once we reach the training room. The rest of the groups gives me a weird look as my blanket pools at my feet. "what?" I ask. They all dismiss me and turn to Coran.

"Anyways, Team Bonding! It's gonna be a blast! No pun intended," the man informs us excitedly. Looking around the room I can see walls, boxes and barrels. The lights turn down so the room is dimly lit the the obstacles start to glow faintly. "Alright everyone, grab your bayards. They should connect with the training system and turn into a laser blaster," he says handing out black vests with the signature Voltron 'V' on them. "These are for you to wear. All of you will be trying to shoot at one another. It's one big free for all! Whoever is left standing wins!"

I slip into the vest, change my bayard into the blaster and turn to Keith. He lifts the vest up over his head and slides it down onto his body. Out from the top comes his mop of black hair. Once the vest is set, he shakes his head, fluffing out his messy hair. I stifle a laugh. He's honestly too cute.

His eyes meet mine and I give him my best smile. He returns it with a sly smirk just before Coran speaks up again. "Get to your spots, Paladins." I run quickly through the course to hide for the game, with a smirk on my face. These suckers are going down.

The game quickly picks up. I peak out from my place and scan the area for anyone. When I see no one, I take off to another spot. Before I can get settled, I run into the blue paladin. Oh no. I sprint in the other direction only to run in the path of the youngest Holt sibling. Now I'm dead.

Lance advances on me from behind, Pidge does the same from the front and both aim their guns at me. "Sorry, Dylan but you gotta go," Lance declared. "I'm going to have to agree with you, Lance. Bye bye, Dylan," Pidge coos. Two shots sound into the air. I dive to the side, out of the way of the lasers. The light flies through the space I was just in , landing on the chests of the opposite paladins.

"What! No!"

"Oh c'mon!"

I burst into laughter as the two walk to the side of the room, now eliminated from the game. My laughter stops at the sound of footsteps growing closer. I pick myself off the ground and find another spot to hide.

"Wait, Hunk, think about what you're doing," I hear Shiro's voice a little ways away. "Oh I've thought about it and I've decided I'm winning this thing," Hunk responds with a hint of excitement in his voice. Suddenly, another shots rings and Shiro is out of the game. Right after, a similar sound fills the air from the other side of the room. "Quiznak, Keith!" Allura's unmistakable voice cries.

Four are out, three are in. It's just Hunk, Keith, and I left in this game.

I round the corner and see Hunk crouched behind a short wall. I aim my blaster, ready to shoot. Before I can pull the trigger, he turns my way. I pull as fast as I can so I can hit him but he's rolls to the side. I take 3 more shots but he's gone. He slipped right out of my grasp.

I creep around silently for a few minutes, finally deciding to plant myself in one spot and wait for my victim. A few more minutes drag by until my ears pick up the shuffling of feet. Gotcha.

All of a sudden I'm pulled up from my spot onto my feet and a gun is placed in the enter of my chest. I look to the owner of the gun to see a cocky grin plastered to his face. "Hey, babe. How are you doing?"

"I'm...peachy," I stutter out, sounding more like a question than anything else. How am I supposed to be with your blaster in my chest? "You know, Dylan, before this game started, I had only one thing on my mind and that was winning. Now, I have something else. Do you know what that is?" he asks cooly, backing me up slowly. My back presses against the wall and Keith takes his hand to hold my shoulder down. "N-no."

He smirks, "a kiss."

He lowers his gun and leans down, planting a soft kiss to my lips. I drop my gun to the floor, wrapping my arms around his neck. Keith pulls back and smiles at me before bringing his gun back to my chest. "A kiss before I win," he says, and pulls the trigger, ending my play in the game. I stare at him with disbelief, "that was cold Keith, almost as cold as the living room couch where you're gonna be sleeping tonight." He chuckles deeply. "We'll see about that."

I don't get to say anything in return as Keith receives a shot to the back. We both turn to see Hunk a couple feet away with a victorious look on his face. "I did it! I won!" The yellow paladin dances around, celebrating his victory. I let out a laugh, "what about that win now, babe?" I ask Keith with a smirk of my own.

"You know what? C'mere," he calls and takes off for me. I make a break for it, laughing as I make my escape. The raven haired boy haired boy catches up with me. He pulls me into his arms, engulfing me in a warm embrace, nuzzling his face into my neck making growling noises and tickling my neck, making me squeal and squirm in his hold.

The tickling stops and we sway back and forth slowly. "I still love you, even though you shot me," I say. I hear Keith give a breathy laugh. "I love you too," he says and peppers my face with kisses.

"Ew! PDA!" Lance shrieks from behind us. "Lance," Keith and I groan with annoyance in unison.


Wow, it's been awhile. Like what? August? I'm a slacker, sorry. This chapter hasn't been edited at all. I might come back and fix it but I wanted to get this out. Keith's birthday was yesterday! I'm so happy! Next it Hunk's birthday. Don't forget!



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