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••••Dylan's Point of View••••
"Woah," I say, breathless once again by the sunrise. I'm left to myself, looking out the window. The sky is full of bright colors. Varying pinks and yellows stick to the clouds and blend into the cerulean mass of sky. The planet's mountain peaks show glowing white snow, making the whole scene breathtaking.

I place my hand on the cool glass window, trying to touch what I can't reach. I sigh, pushing the thought to the back of my head. My eyes are drawn to the rolling puffs in the sky. Back on my home planet, we had sky bison. They're basically just a larger version of a bison with six legs that can fly, but they don't have wings. They just kinda take off with their tail and up they go. Yip yip. I remember many days of my childhood being spent in the air on bison. I grew up as an airbender and had my staff that shifted to a glider. The air currents allowed airbenders to fly along with the bending masters.
I miss that. Flying with my family and friends with the bison.

Time passes by. I can see the color change gradually at a slow pace. The clouds seem to glide across the endless blue. I lean into the glass barrier, placing my forehead against the smooth surface. Soon a bright light creeps from behind the mountain tops, blinding me from looking in that direction. I huff in discontent. I want to be out there. I want to feel the fresh breeze and the cotton ball clouds. Reaching out, I grab my staff, running my fingers lightly over the wood. Scratches and small dents are scattered across all the sides. They all have a story. Memories flood into my head.

••••Keith's Point of View••••
I'm walking down the barren hallway, sipping on my water. I had just finished training and am now going to the kitchen for some food. I walk past my girlfriend's open door. Taking a peak as I walk by, I see her staring out the window. I've seen her do this before. Dylan always dreams of her home. Kinda like Lance does from time to time. That might be why they're really good friends.

I study her as she reaches for her staff. She brushes her slim fingers over the tainted wood. I know what's she's thinking of. We never have time to take a break for her to go out and do what she wants. There's always something going on. Maybe I can do something for her. But what? An idea pops into my head and I take off to find Allura. I got it!

••••Dylan's Point of View••••
When I snap out of my memories I look back to the sky. The sunrise is over. The clouds have moved along past the mountains, almost out of view. The vibrant colors have come and gone. I'm left with plain blue filling all corners up above and a bright, glowing yellow sun.

I'm not sure of what to do now. It's early, but not too early in the morning. I'm sure Shiro and Keith are awake. Possibly Coran as well as the princess. A growl from my stomach makes a decision for me. Looks like I'm headed to the kitchen. I turn and head of the door.

••••Lance's Point of View••••
I wake up to darkness. My eyelashes brush against a fuzzy fabric as I open my eyes. Sitting up in my bed I peel the soft eye mask off my face. I sigh, already feeling hungry. Pushing the blankets off my body, I head for my bathroom to get dressed. When I'm done I grab my green jacket and start for the room with the food.

The kitchen is quiet. The hiss of the door closing behind me is all I can hear. I walk to the cupboards and grab a plate and utensils. Food goo piles up as it sprays out onto my plate. I head for the dining room table through the connecting door. Inside I find my best friend Dylan (besides Hunk of course), playing with a feather. She repeatedly pushes air to the feather, keeping it in the air and watching it fall slightly.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask her. "Hm? Oh hey Lance. It's nothing," she replies to me. I know it's a lie. "We're you thinking of home again?" I question sympatheticly. "Heh, is it that obvious?" She says letting the feather drop and fall into her nose. She crosses her eyes to look at the feather. I chuckle a bit and take a seat, "yeah." We sit in comfortable silence for a bit and I take a few bites of my food. "I might be able to fly with my staff, but I can't fly away from my problems," the girl next to me states out of the blue. I almost choke on my goo.

Mango, My Love (Keith x OC)Where stories live. Discover now