Wedding Crasher

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Your wedding day is supposed to be amazing. The best day of your life! Or at least one of them, really. Naturally, this is what I expected when I woke up this morning. Nerves and all, I really thought that this wedding, my wedding, was going to turn out great. The start of a new part of my life was going to start today. But then again, thoughts don't mean reality.

What I expected was a peaceful ceremony, cake, blah blah blah. Normal wedding stuff. It didn't seem like too much to ask, but is that what she got? No. Not even close. The fantasy ended up in pure chaos. Screams, cries, and blood had no place in a wedding, yet here they were.

In the middle of the chaos, I stood paralyzed. All sounds were blocked from my ears. My mind ran wild until the memory of my eighteenth birthday claimed my thought.


Her parents had received the bow when they found her. A small, fragile baby in a basket at the edge of a river. A beautiful baby girl. Placed with the basket was a bow and arrow and a letter. The letter held little information about the child or where she came from, but it did say what the bow was to do. Cursed by a witch, the bow and arrow was said to kill whoever is destined to kill the baby seconds before they do. Maybe blessed was a better word for the items. But it couldn't possibly be true, could it? It wasn't like she was a Disney princess. She had never heard any animals talking to her up to this point or broken out into song and dance. The arrow was to be shot on the eighteenth birthday of the child, and so it was. It was strange to think of where the arrow went after that. No one will ever know.


The wedding venue was beautiful. Will, my fiance, liked the color green where as I liked the color blue. For the ceremony we both agreed on a pleasing eucalyptus that flowed with the outdoor setting perfectly. Rows upon rows of chairs were set up for the guests.

My dress complimented her body flawlessly, my long auburn hair was done up. I had heard of no complications regarding the wedding which eased my nerves. My vows were perfected and rehearsed over and over. Will was the ideal partner for me. He was everything I ever needed. He completed me. And with that thought, I was ready.

When it came time, I walked down the aisle with my father, the pastor talked, and vows along with tears were exchanged. My best friend Keith was in the front row encouraging me with smiles. He looked so adorable in a suit. It was a rare sight. My heart raced as the ceremony was approaching its end.

"Do you, Dylan Aurelia Rogers, take William Grayson Stevenson to be your lawfully wedded husband, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?" I didn't need to think about my answer. I was sure. Fully in love.

"I do," I said with a soft smile.

"Do you, William Grayson Stevenson, take Dylan Aurelia Rogers to be your lawfully wedded wife, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

Will's body lurches forward slightly and his eyes widen. The guests gasp before erupting into screams. Will collapses to the floor, an arrow sticking through his chest. Blood pours from the wound, pooling around the body. People pushed and shoved through the aisles of chairs to get away from the horrific scene.

I fell to my knees in front of my fiancé. Everything around me became muffled and blurred. Tears streamed down my face as crimson liquid soaked my white dress. Through the chaos Keith rushes to my side.

"Dylan? Dylan, are you okay?" He tapped my shoulder and shook me slightly.

"He- he tried to- he tried- to kill me." I struggled to say the right words. "How could he do this to me?  How long has he been planning this?"

Keith pulled me away from the body to a chair, pulling me close to stop my body from shaking. Ugly cries racked through my body, "did he ever love me?"

Keith quickly meet his eyes with mine, "Oh no, Dylan. You're going to be okay. We'll get through this together."

This one is a friend!Keith as you can see. Um...yeah. Sorry all of these are so weird


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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