Spiderman Kiss

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Warning: Language ig but we're all adults here


"Is that what I think it is?" Lance asked.

I squint my eyes to look out into the distance to where he was looking. It looks like a park.

"A park? Like a jungle gym?" I question with a smile. Oh, the things you'll find on a random planet.

Lance and I look at each other and grin before taking off full speed towards the metal playset. We jump onto the swings, pumping out legs to gain momentum and height.

"I bet I can get a farther jump!" Lance challenges.

"I can do anything better than you!" I sing out with my inner child. To my left, Pidge and Hunk get on their own swings.

"One, two, three!" Lance exclaims before soaring into the air, "and he sticks the landing!"

I do a mental count and launch out of my seat. My feet plant into the grass just barely past Lance's spot. "Ha! Got you!"

"What? No way. We're even."

"That doesn't look even from here, Lance" Pidge yelled, her voice swaying with her body from the swing.

"Whatever. You got lucky."

I stick out my tongue and do a mini victory dance. In the middle of my moonwalk, Pidge comes up behind me and pulls my arm to the carousel. She hops on and I start pushing in circles. Her laughs bring a smile to my face.

"Okay, okay, I'm dizzy," she says in between giggles. I bring the carousel to a stop and she stumbles off. "Are you good?" I ask with a laugh.

"Fine. Why?" Pidge asks me before her body tips and falls to the ground. Hunk comes over and helps her up while repressing his chuckles. "I'm okay!"

I shake my head with a smile and head off for my next activity. I spy a twisty slide which brings back memories from when I was a kid. I climb my way to the top and look out across the playground.

I smile down at Shiro and Keith who sat on a bench looking at us and wave. I take to the slide and shoot out at the bottom in a matter of seconds. My feet hit the bottom and I give a gymnastics pose to the pair.

Shiro laughs and rolls his eyes. Keith raises an eyebrow with a smirk, clearly unimpressed but amused.

"Move bitch, get out the way!" Pidge hollers from the top of the slide before.

"Language," Shiro roars from the bench.

"English" she screeches back before sliding down without care.

I jump out of the way just in time. Pidge stumbles as her feet crash into the ground. She looks up at me and we both laugh.

The last thing is the monkey bars. Oh those monkey bars were the best. How can I resist? I break into a sprinkler and latch onto the first bar. I swing across the bars until I reach the end. I turn around and weasel myself into the holes in the monkey bars, shimmying through. When I get halfway, I drop my butt down and pull my upper body through. My head hangs down and blood rushes to my head.

"Keith! Come here!" I call. He gets up and walks over to me. When he reaches me, he looks down to look me in the eyes. "Yes?"

I struggle to meet his face from my upside-down state. "What are you doing?" he asks.

"Trying to kiss you?"

"You're gonna fall, babe."

I stared at him for a moment.

"Shut up and kiss me, I'm getting lightheaded," I said with a chuckle.

He meets me halfway and our lips touch. My hands pass through his soft, dark hair and cup his cheeks.

I start to break the kiss until Keith starts, "wait, don't pull away. Not yet."

I give him a soft smile. "I would love to continue this but my abs are weak and I'm about to pass out. Catch me!"

I drop the rest of my body down as Keith jumps under me to catch my falling body. "Dylan! Don't do that!"

"What do I have you for then?"

Keith rolls his eyes and goes to place me on the ground. "Wait no! Piggy back ride!"

He huff's but doesn't resist. Once I'm on his back, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and nuzzle my face into his neck, placing small kisses here and there. His neck crunches together in attempt to make me stop.

I giggle and place one last kiss on his cheek. I rest my head on his shoulder. "I love you"

He says nothing.

"I said I LOVE YOU KEITH KOGANE!" I yell into his ear.

"Okay, damn! I love you too!"

Dear Cameron, you have shined a light down on so many people

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Dear Cameron, you have shined a light down on so many people. You helped so many thought hard times. You are an inspiration and you will forever be missed and never forgotten.


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