♡Spin the Bottle♡

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"But hyuuuuung, we're at a party!"

"Are you 20 yet?"


"Then that doesn't matter!"

"Aish whatever."

Jackson came up behind the stressed mother like boy and put his arms around his waist. Jinyoung tensed up and was ready to curse out the drunken idiot who had his hands around him but then Jackson whispered "Shh it's me."
Jinyoung spun around into his arms and kissed his lips, making Yugyeom gag.

"Get a room!" Yugyeom yelled, mentally gagging from the free show he was getting and certainly didn't want.

"Even when they do get a room, you can still hear them." Youngjae commented, making the the two maknaes snicker.

"You shouldn't be talking! I can hear you scream Jaebum's name and call him daddy from down the hall." Mark chuckled, earning a slap on his neck from Youngjae. Jaebum proudly smirked and squeezed Youngjae's butt, getting a little yelp out of him.

"Okay so instead of just standing around and doing nothing, let's go into the other room. I think Jisoo is starting up a game." Jackson announced.

"What are we, high schoolers again?" Jaebum snorted, not liking the idea of playing college games.

After some of Jackson's aeygo and Jinyoung's persuasion, all of the boys agreed to play whatever game Jisoo chosen and go into the other room.

"Yay you guys are actually playing!" Jisoo cheered, a couple of the guys already sitting down staring at Got7.

"Aish just tell us what we are playing?" Jaebum ordered. Jisoo rolled her eyes and took a sip of her red solo cup.

"Spin the Bottle!"

A few cheers were heard from other players and people watching. Meanwhile, Jinyoung didn't like the idea at all. What if someone landed on Jackson or Jackson landed on someone that wasn't himself?

Jackson shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head, going along with the game Jisoo picked out. He threw his arm around Jinyoung and drank the rest of his mysterious drink.

"Oo me first!" Youngjae chirped and raised his hand, giving Jaebum a devilish smirk. Jaebum shifted in his seat uncomfortably and glared at everybody playing the game.

Youngjae spun the Bottle hard, making it go around in circles for what seemed like forever. When it finally stopped, it landed on Mark Hyung.

At least it's someone I trust and actually like...

Youngjae made his way towards Mark and gave him a peck on the lips, knowing that Mark Hyung wasn't into the whole game even though he pretended to be.

"Good boy." Jaebum whispered into Youngjae's ear, making the younger blush.

Next, it was Mark. His actually landed into Jisoo, who he didn't mind kissing. She had soft, pink lips so it was definitely worth it.

After going back and forth for a while, it was Jinyoung's turn to kiss someone. He spun the bottle and went on for a couple of seconds. When it landed on Jackson, he let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding and smiled.

Jackson smirked and leaned in first, cupping Jinyoung's face with his hands.

"OO OKAY JACKSON!" Bam's yelled, cheering his Hyungs on. It was actually kinda turning him on to the point where he wanted to take Yugyeom upstairs.

Jinyoung smirked into the kiss and bit Jackson's lip, making the older slightly moan. He saw his chance to be dominate and took it, slipping his tongue in. It surprised Jackson but it was quite the turn on since Jinyoung never played the dominate one.

"Alright alright enough of that! I feel like I'm watching porn!" A boy from the side said, making the two break up.

"Remind me who you are again?" Jinyoung retorted back, not in the mood for some drunk college student.

"Baekhyun. Now knock it off or I'm coming in there!"

"Oo it's not a party without a threesome!" Youngjae chuckled, making the so called Baekhyun blush and drink the rest of his beer.

Jackson chuckled and clapped his hands, getting everybody's attention. He smirked at the group around him and spun the Bottle.

"I bet you I'm going to get Jinyoung." Jackson smiled as he turned to face his boyfriend, who was now pouting.

"What's wrong, baby?" Jackson cooed, lifting up his chin. Jinyoung rolled his eyes and moved the boy off of him. He turned back around to the Bottle and realized that it had fallen onto Jaebum Hyung.

"Baby it's not even that bad. At least it's someone we kn-"

"KISS HIM ALREADY!" Jisoo screamed, earning a glare from her best friend, Rosé.

"Okay Okay Fine you're right, just go kiss him quick."

"Alright now Jaebum Hyung isn't my Hyung anymore...he's my daddy!" Jackson chuckled, obviously having way too many drinks in his system. Jinyoung rolled his eyes and huffed, staring at Jackson who was now making his way towards Jaebum.

Jackson and Jaebum leaned in, meaning for the kiss to be a quick peck. But because Jackson is so drunk, he stumbled a little and landed on top of Jaebum. His hand on his member and their lips still together.

Both boys eyes widened and Jackson threw himself off of the boy, scared to see Jinyoung's reaction.

"Oh my goooooood I just-bro no homo!" Jackson said with a stern look.

"Dude...you're gay what do you mean no homo?" Jaebum furrowed his eyebrows. Jackson chuckled and nodded his head, sitting himself on top of Jinyoung.

"Daddy is punishing you tonight." Jinyoung growled into Jackson's ear, making the other boy get chills.

Well shit...


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