♡Thanksgiving Part 1♡

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•7 hours earlier•

The seven boys arrived at Mark's apartment complex with wide eyes. All this time of being friends with Mark, they never knew he had his own apartment. The only two that found out before the others were Yugyeom and Kunpimook and that only happened because they were bored and decided to follow the older.

"Yah when did you get this?" Jinyoung questioned as his eyes looked the tall building up and down.

"Last year. My family moved back to America so I needed somewhere to stay during winter and summer break." Mark sighed thinking about his family. He really did miss them.

"Aish then why do you still live in your dorm?" Jackson asked in surprise. If Jackson was in Mark's situation, there's no way in hell he would live in a dorm when he could have an apartment to himself. Suddenly, dark and silent nights creeped into his mind and decided against it, thankful that he shared a room with a loud Kunpimook.

"Because it's farish from the university and I like getting up as late as possible."

Everybody laughed and shook their head at the older. They should've known that was the reason why since Mark was never a morning person.

"Well what are we waiting for then? Let's go wreck his apartment!" Kunpimook shouted, running in with a cheerful Yugyeom and a yelling Mark.

Jinyoung playfully rolled his eyes as he watched the three, grabbing Jackson's hand and following  Jaebum and Youngjae as they followed the others loud voices.

Finally, all seven boys stood in front of Mark's apartment as he took out his keys and opened the door. Gasps were heard and of course Jackson's high pitched screaming.

"THIS IS AMAAAAAZING!" Jackson shouted as he ran throughout the rooms, Yugyeom and Kunpimook following close behind him.

"Ya know, you would think Jackson was one of the maknaes." Youngjae snorted, earning quiet giggles from the rest who weren't screaming.

Jinyoung walked over to the couch and lounged out, enjoying the soft white cushions. The tv turned on and he happily enjoyed watching the beautiful Thanksgiving parade going on.

Wait it's Thanksgiving!

"Guys why aren't we eating turkey and stuffing!?" Jinyoung shouted, walking over to the boys that were sitting in the dining room. All of their eyes widened as they realized that it was the eating holiday yet they didn't have anything to eat.

"BOY LETS GO GET SOME TURKEY!" Jackson shouted from the other room. Jinyoung chuckled at his boyfriends loudness and went into the room. Kunpimook was on top of Yugyeom, Jackson trying to pull the other off.

"What's going on here?" Jinyoung leaned up against the wall and furrowed his eyebrows, honestly confused on what was currently happening.

Yugyeom huffed and pushed the older off of him, sending him flying into Jackson and knocking him down. Yugyeom burst into a fit of giggles, not being able to talk from his laughter.

"I just- oh my god wait- okay okay..." Yugyeom chuckled again as Jinyoung squinted at him, hinting that his patient was running thin.

"Bro Bammie is just annoying and Jackson Hyung was trying to pry him off of me." Yugyeom glared at Kunpimook as he was still sitting on Jackson's lap. "Thank you by the way Hyung."

Jackson nodded his head and flicked Kunpimook's neck, earning a whine from the younger. Eventually, he got off and Jackson was in Jinyoung's arms once again.

"Baby let's go get some turkey!" Jackson whined cutely, looking up at him with his big brown puppy dog eyes. Jinyoung pinched his cheeks and interlocked their hands.

"Guys we will go get some food. Don't burn down the apartment. Jaebum, I'm leaving you in charge!" Jinyoung pointed at the boy who was currently too busy making out with Youngjae.

"Heyyy this is my apartment!!"

"And yet you still act like you're younger than all three maknaes." Jinyoung smirked at Mark, finally going out the door.

Yeahh this is going to have to be done in two parts

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