♡Cuddly Nights♡

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"Yah it's cold, cuddle me you little bitch."

"Tone your tude down."

"If you cuddle me I will."

"If you don't, I won't cuddle you."

Jinyoung stared at his boyfriend in disbelief. Here he was, freezing to death and Jackson wasn't cuddling him. How dare he?

"Pleaaaaaase baby! I'm really cold." Jinyoung mumbled as he tried getting warmer on his own. Jackson sighed and took off his glasses, placing them down onto his desk in his room. He closed his laptop and took out his earbuds, stretching his legs and arms as he got up. Jackson walked himself to where Jinyoung was currently wrapped up in blankets and stood there in awe.

Jinyoung was wearing an oversized grey sweater that he stole from Jackson's closet and honestly, it was adorable. His hair was slightly messy and his skin was glowing. The cutest part was that his nose was a little red from it being so cold in his room.

Seeing his boyfriend stand over him, Jinyoung began to blush and make grabby hands towards the older. Jackson giggled and lifted up the covers, snuggling up close with Jinyoung.

Usually, it was Jinyoung cuddling Jackson but oh how the tables have turned. Jackson slid his arm around Jinyoung's waist to bring the boy closer to his chest. Smiling, Jinyoung couldn't help but take in his boyfriends scent, smelling coconut and vanilla.

"I wish I could fall asleep to this all the time." Jinyoung whispered, his speech being muffled by Jackson's chest. Even though it was muffled, Jackson caught it and smiled.

"You do?" Jackson barely got out. He's been wanting to ask Jinyoung a certain question for the past two years but was afraid of going to fast. Maybe this was finally the right time?

"Of course Baby...I love going to sleep and waking up to your face."

"Let's move in together then."


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