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One Year Later

"Okay so this is officially the biggest competition we are going to be in. You already know your corrections so make sure everything is perfect." Jaebum looked at Jackson who looked at the rest of the boys besides Jinyoung who was completely oblivious. Jackson smirked and nodded his head, giving a subtle wink to the older.

Jinyoung quietly walked over to Jackson and intertwined their hands, leaning his head onto his shoulder and sighing.

"What's wrong, baby?" Jackson never liked when Jinyoung was pouting, except for when he was cutely pouting to get what he wanted. That was always Jackson's weakness.

"I'm nervous." Jinyoung whispered, looking around at their competition. Jinyoung absolutely loathed loosing so the fact that they were in a competition with people all over the world terrified him.

Jackson hid his smile and kissed the youngers temple, squeezing his hand to reassure that everything will be perfect.

"No matter what happens, I know we will win in the end. I love you so much baby." Jackson cooed, now looking at the boys beautiful eyes.

Jinyoung chuckled a gave a quick peck on the lips, telling Jackson he loves him without even saying anything.

"GOT7 TO THE STAGE!" The announcer yelled, making the boys to become giddy. They all walked out onto stage, bowing to the judges, and then getting into position.

Before the music started, Jackson flashed a smile towards a Jinyoung, making the boys cheeks tint a shade of red.

As the DJ pressed play, GOT7's voice beamed over the speakers and Never Ever began to play. This performance was different from their others. They never really used their music for competitions so when Jaebum and Youngjae came up with the idea to use one of their songs, the boys loved it.

The choreography was hard hitting but had a hint of smoothness. Each and every move was unique and wowed the judges. They took up the whole stage as they danced, not leaving a single piece out. It was honestly amazingly perfect.

As it neared the end, it was time for Jackson and Jinyoung's spotlight part and the two danced with each other. Jackson soon became nervous but continued dancing either way, just keep your cool.

Finally, Youngjae's lyric Baby your mine signaled everybody to get into their final stance. Jinyoung lifted his arm up and his back was facing Jackson. The boys stood back, reforming their position with smiles plastered onto their face. What Jinyoung didn't know was that when he turned around, he would face a kneeling Jackson with a pretty velvet box that had a pretty perfect ring inside.

Jinyoung gasped and soon felt tears sliding down his face, the feeling becoming too overwhelming for the boy to handle. Jackson had already given him his promise ring so he already knew what this ring was.

An engagement ring.

The crowd roared and judges had shocked expressions on their faces. The five boys were all all holding each other, waiting for the boys answer.

Jackson was a nervous mess, he couldn't wait another second. His worry were soon washed away when Jinyoung nodded with a smile and tears. The crowd got louder and the judges were now standing. The boys came bounding over and crowded the newly engaged couple.

Jackson engulfed Jinyoung into a hug and kissed away his tears before giving him a kiss onto his pretty lips. He pressed their forehead together and breathed happily as Jinyoung hugged the boy.

"I love you, Jackson Wang."

"I love you too...Jinyoung Wang."

The End.

•jk I might possibly bawling my eyes out.
•get ready for an epilogue ;)

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