♡Baby Boy♡

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Jackson leaned his face down slowly to Jinyoung's lips, teasingly kissing the boy at a slow pace. Wanting more, Jinyoung traveled his hands to the pitch black haired boy and pulled slightly, making Jackson moan ever so slightly. Of course, as soon as Jackson moaned, Jinyoung took the opportunity to slip his tongue in.

The two fought for dominance but in this case, Jackson won. He explored his mouth and let his hands go under Jinyoung's shirt. Jinyoung gasped as Jackson's cold hands touched his warm skin, finding the feeling pleasurable.

Biting his bottom lip, Jackson squeezed Jinyoung's side and grind down onto the younger, making him squirm under him. Deciding that he had enough of the teasing, he forcefully sat up with Jackson on his lap and swiftly took of his shirt, throwing it to the side.

Jackson smirked, "desperate are we, baby boy?" And that was when it was the last straw. The name pushed Jinyoung to edge which caused the boy to rip off Jackson's shirt.


"Hey that was my favorite shi-" Jackson was immediately cut off when Jinyoung was now on top of him and crashed his lips down onto his. Not caring about his ripped shirt, Jackson wrapped his arms around Jinyoung's lower back, allowing their covered up members to grind up on each other.

Getting annoyed, Jinyoung threw his pants off and ripped Jackson's off, immediately putting his hand into his briefs and pumping the older. Jackson threw his head back in pleasure and jolted his hips up from his touch. Almost chuckling at how Jackson crumbled from his touch, Jinyoung leaned down and kissed his lips, making his moans inaudible.

Jackson slid off his own boxers in which Jinyoung acted on right away. He leaned down and stared into his eyes, licking the tip. The older glared at the teasing boy until Jinyoung wrapped his pretty lips around Jackson's dick.

"Fuck Jinyoung." Jackson breathed out, gripping the sides of the couch. Jinyoung smirked and swirled his tongue around as he finally deep throated the boy, making himself slightly gag as it hit the back of his throat.

Deciding to never do that again, Jinyoung mentally shook his head and used his hands to rub however much he couldn't take in. This made Jackson go crazy, not used to the feeling of Jinyoung's hand and mouth working at the same time.

The familiar feeling in his stomach suddenly appeared and just by Jackson's sudden change of moaning and facial expressions, Jinyoung knew. This determined the boy to make his boyfriend cum so he decided to go at a dangerously fast pace. Jackson's moans started to get louder and his legs started to tremble, causing Jinyoung to internally chuckle.

Daddy my ass...

Feeling the liquid ooze out, Jackson relaxed and had a smile plastered on his face. Jinyoung chuckled and no matter if the taste was bad, he still swallowed it with a smirk. He wiped the side of his mouth with his thumb and made Jackson lick it off, loving how he was just obeying him.

"Who's your daddy now?" Jinyoung leaned away as he watched Jackson freeze up at his words. He chuckled at his reaction and leaned in closer once again, kissing his neck and smiling up at the boy.

"That's what I thought, baby boy." Jackson smirked and decided to play along, giving Jinyoung what he wanted. He playfully played with the waistband of Jinyoung's briefs and innocently looked up into his eyes.

"Fuck me, daddy." His voice was teasing and his eyes were certainly not innocent as those ungodly words left his mouth. Jinyoung's mouth slightly opened, not expecting Jackson to switch so quickly.

Pleased by his reaction, Jackson leaned close and whispered into his ear, "what? Don't you want to fuck your baby boy?" Which sent Jinyoung over the edge once again.

"Screw it." Jinyoung mumbled and tore off his own underwear, positioning himself in front of Jackson. Slightly terrified because Jackson knew Jinyoung wasn't going to prepare him, he bit his lip and nodded his head, waiting for the pain.

Jinyoung smirked and teasingly slipped the tip in, watching Jackson's expressions change. Without a warning, Jinyoung slammed into him, causing Jackson to scream. It hurt like hell but Jackson loves it. Rough Jinyoung was the best Jinyoung.

Pleasing himself, Jinyoung forgot how tight Jackson was and now that he didn't prep him before hand, he was even tighter. He moaned as he slammed into Jackson, starting off slow but going faster with every thrust.

When Jinyoung began to go at an ungodly fast pace, Jackson became a moaning mess and scratched Jinyoung's back knowing they were going to be marks tomorrow. He squeezed his eyes shut as tears began to spill out from the pain and pleasure. It was too much for Jackson to handle and he was pretty sure he was going to cum again.

On the other hand, Jinyoung was having the time of his life. He was close to letting go so he went faster, making Jackson whimper and himself grunting.

With one final thrust, Jinyoung came into Jackson, staying in place until he was done. A minute later, Jackson finally let go too and came all over his stomach. Plopping himself right next to Jackson, Jinyoung's breathing was uneven.

"Welp, that was fun." Jackson chuckled, listening to Jinyoung's breathing. Jinyoung nodded his head and continued to lay on his back, thinking about he lucky he was to have a guy like Jackson.

Turning to his side, he took in the holy sight and his breathing hitched. Jinyoung's eyes were glossy and he was slightly sweaty. His hair was disheveled from Jackson pulling at it and his lips were swollen from their rough kissing. Jinyoung was shirtless which made Jackson's eyes travel down his body, admiring how good he looked.

"I love you, Park."

"I love you too, Wang."

      ( ˘ ³˘)❤︎

•also I know the song is obviously not an edit or Got7 at all, but Luhan's song just goes w/ this chapter && it's HiGhKeY a BoP tHaT wIlL nEvEr EvEr GeT oLd.

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