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"Yah let's get Mark and Baekhyun together!" Jinyoung huffed, watching Jackson listen to music through his earbuds. Jackson took one out and widened his eyes.

"Um am I hearing this correctly?" Jackson chuckled, making Jinyoung roll his eyes and playfully shove the olders shoulder.

"Aish why do you always push me!" He yelled, pouting as he watched Jinyoung laugh. Soon enough, Jackson was laughing along with him.

"Okay but for real let's start now."

"Why all of a sudden now?"

Because I hate seeing Mark and you all...yeah no.

"Because Mark needs a man!" Jinyoung lied, fake smiling and all. Jackson stared at the boy in suspicion but then smiled, not catching onto the lie. He was too focused on his song that he was currently working on to even worry about other things. Jinyoung and GOT7 being the only exceptions.

Jackson put away his earbuds and turned around his chair so that he was now facing his lovely boyfriend. He smiled brightly and patted his lap, urging the boy to sit.

Of course, Jinyoung jumped at the chance to sit in Jackson's lap and cuddled him. Never ever wanting to let go. He sighed as he looked at his promise ring that Jackson gave him three years ago, missing that night.

Not saying that Jinyoung wasn't happy or anything with Jackson right now, he was unbelievably enjoying their relationship. It's just that Jinyoung has an overly protective side ever since they got out of high school and into college.

Jackson took notice to this right away. As soon as anybody starts to stare at the boy to long, Jinyoung glares at them and pulls Jackson close. Jackson loves when Jinyoung does this but it's overwhelming sometimes. He does know how to protect himself.

Both boys snapped back to reality and smiled at each other, just glad to be holding one another. Jackson grabbed his phone and started texting away, making Jinyoung very curious.

"Who ya texting?" Jinyoung questioned, trying to peak over at Jackson's phone.

"Baekhyun." Jackson blurted our, not even thinking. Jinyoung was taken aback, not even aware that those two had each other's number. When did this even happen?

"Um okay why?" Jinyoung tried not to sound angry or even jealous but it was clearly laced into his voice. Jackson put down his phone and cupped Jinyoung's face.

"Baby. You know I love you and only you. I wouldn't trade you in for anybody or anything in the world. Please start trusting me more often." Jackson begged. Jinyoung immediately felt guilty and gave Jackson a quick peck on the lips and nodded his head.

"Alright alright...I love you."

•I have major writers block right now so I promise the next chapter will be somewhat better.

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