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"Okay that new kid is literally everywhere!" Jinyoung groaned as he slumped into the chair, hearing a soft chuckle from Jackson.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because I just find it cute how you're so bothered by this boy." Jackson cooed, sitting on his own bed and patting his lap. Jinyoung stuck out his bottom lip and he walked over to Jackson, sitting himself down onto Jackson.

"Why are you so bothered by him?" Jackson questioned softly, looking up at the still pouting boy. Jinyoung hid his face into the crook of Jackson's neck, trying to avoid eye contact. He didn't want to admit that Baekhyun made him jealous but he didn't have a better reason.

"I don't know...I guess he just left a bad taste in my mouth after the party." Jinyoung mumbled. It wasn't exactly a lie, but it definitely wasn't the whole truth. Jackson knew this because Jinyoung wasn't the one to hold grudges over one comment.

"Are you lying to me?"

Silence. Jinyoung didn't peep one word or even look at Jackson. He knew that Jackson would start giving him his puppy dog eyes and that eventually he would break.

Leaning back so the boy wasn't resting on shoulder, Jackson searched Jinyoung's eyes for the actual truth. When he wouldn't meet his eyes, Jackson knew for sure that Jinyoung was definitely lying.

"You're lying. Why?"

Jinyoung sighed and finally looked at Jackson, immediately met with his big and brown puppy like eyes.

"I just...when you started questioning about him I guess I got jealous. I don't know it's stupid honestly!" Jinyoung groaned and once again, avoided eye contact out of embarrassment.

"Baby I only have eyes for you. I'm absolutely in love with you." Jackson cooed, starting to massage Jinyoungs thighs since he straddled him. As soon as those words left Jackson's mouth, Jinyoung froze and basically melted at the same time.

"You-you're in love with me?" Jinyoung questioned, his lips starting to quiver. Jackson chuckled and nodded his head, kissing his quivering lips.

Out of excitement, Jinyoung pinned Jackson onto the bed to deepen the kiss. Jackson rested his hand on Jinyoung's back as Jinyoung's fingers laced into Jackson's hair. Slightly pulling, Jackson let a tiny moan slip.

Their tongues battled for dominance until finally, Jinyoung won. He started to take control, pinning Jackson's hands over his head. Jackson began to squirm until he realized Jinyoung wasn't going to give up the dominant role for tonight. So, he let it slide and Jinyoung to do his thing.

Jinyoung moved from his lips to his neck, attacking it with his kisses. When kisses started turning to bites, Jackson's eyes widened as he suppressed his moans from slipping out, afraid of being too loud. When Jinyoung took notice to that, he smirked and let his hand travel down to Jackson's pants.

Too busy focusing on Jinyoung leaving love bites all over his overexposed neck, Jackson didn't notice he was undoing his buttons and zippers until Jinyoung sat up and began to pull them down.

Jackson whined from the sudden disconnection.

"Eager for me, are we?" Jinyoung smirked as he tossed his pants over, leaving Jackson in just his briefs and a loose white button down shirt. Jackson slightly nodded, shivering from the cold air hitting his bare legs.

Jinyoung straddled him once again and kissed Jackson's already swollen lips. He let his hand travel down to Jackson's covered up member and began to palm him, Jackson going hard from one touch.

Becoming inpatient, Jackson whined into the kiss, hinting that he wants more from the boy. Jinyoung smirked and grind his hips, teasing the boy even more.

Having enough of Jinyoung's games, he flipped the boy so he was now on top. He ripped Jinyoung's clothes off, startling the boy. Jinyoung was now left in his briefs as Jackson stood there in his oversized shirt. Quickly undoing his top, both boys were now half naked and lustful.

Jinyoung pulled Jackson over by his hips, slowly pulling down his briefs. Jinyoung got down onto his knees and slowly pumped the boy, starting from the tip and going all the way down. Jackson bit his lip as he watched Jinyoung, totally hard from just watching him.

Jinyoung began to pump faster, looking up at the boy to make sure he was enjoying it. To say that he was enjoying it was an understatement. Jinyoung smirked and decided to lick the tip, still feeling his member with his hand.

Jackson's tiny moans grew louder and louder as Jinyoung took him in whole, swirling his tongue. On purpose, Jinyoung let his teeth touch his member a couple of times, worrying Jackson. But at the same time, it excited him since it was a new feeling.

All of a sudden, the familiar feeling of orgasming was close and both boys knew. Jackson's leg began to shake so Jinyoung began to go at an unforgiving pace, making him closer and closer.

Finally, Jackson came, letting out a loud moan. Jinyoung swallowed with pride and threw Jackson onto the bed, now pulling off his own underwear.

"What do you want me to do to you?" Jinyoung purred, making Jackson shy all of a sudden. Was he going to make him say it?

"I just want you." Jackson whispered, knowing that's not what Jinyoung wanted as soon as met his gaze.

"Tsk tsk. Say it." Jinyoung massaged Jackson's thighs teasingly, leaving soft kisses onto his neck. Jackson pouted and sighed,

"Daddy I just want your dick inside me now."

To say that surprised Jinyoung was an understatement. His mouth dropped for a few seconds at the words Jackson chose to use, but shook it off once the lust kicked back in.

Jinyoung pulled out the strawberry flavored lube and coated his fingers with it. He let Jackson breathe before he inserted one inside. When Jackson mouthed the word two, Jinyoung inserted one more finger and started to move in and out.

Soon enough, three fingers were now inside him until both were positive that Jackson was ready now. Jinyoung pulled out and positioned himself in front of Jackson. A little bit scared of the pain, Jackson closed his eyes and gripped the sheets, nodding to Jinyoung.

Jinyoung smirked and entered his tip, teasing the boy underneath him. He moved in and out slowly until Jackson got frustrated with his teasing once again.


Jinyoung, without any warning, entered in whole leaving Jackson a moaning mess. He went at a fast pace that Jackson certainly wasn't prepared for, pain increasing. Except, it just felt too good to say stop.

Jinyoung moaned along with Jackson. He was still so tight that it just made everything better.

"Ji-Jinyoung!" Jackson barely got out, his words starting to become stutters. Jackson began to moan words that Jinyoung couldn't decipher, assuming that he was doing a pretty good job.

Eventually, his thrusts became sloppy and Jackson began to lose his voice from moaning so loud.

"I-I'm going to c-cum." Jackson groaned, Jinyoung nodding. At this point, Jinyoung couldn't even form words but he too, was about to cum.

Finally, both boys let go, moaning as it happened. Jinyoung laid next to Jackson, breathing heavy as ever. Jackson's hair was matted to his head, hair sticking out everywhere. Of course, Jinyoung found this sexy and couldn't take his eyes off of him.

"What?" Jackson chuckled, feeling the stares coming from the right of him.

"I'm head over heels in love with you."


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