♡Dreaded Ex♡

540 23 7

"Last years national winners are back to take the throne! Everybody give it up for GOT7 " The host announced into the microphone, getting everybody hype to see the lovely group once again.








Girls and guys were screaming their heads off even though the boys didn't make their way on stage yet. They all chuckled at the crude sayings people were shouting from the audience.

"Ready boys?" Jaebum asked with a cocky smirk plastered onto his face. Jinyoung chuckled but soon nodded his head along with the rest.

Jaebum gave a little nod to the Dj, earning a flustered look and a small smile. Dj TaeTae (I know how original)  clicked onto the song they practiced all week on and began the music.

The whole routine was filled with flips, grinding, and hard hitting moves. Not only that, but their personalities and facial expressions made everything in even better. It was honestly going to be pretty tough to beat.

All to soon, the music ended and the boys finished off with a pose on the ground. The audience erupted into cheers and stood up on their feet, supporting the boys with their excitement.

Jinyoung and Jackson ran off stage hand in hand with smiles plastered onto their face. They couldn't believe how well they did for just practicing for a week. It was honestly a miracle to the two.

"YAH WE DID SO GOOD!" Mark cheered, jumping up and down in excitement. Jinyoung chuckled at his best friend and started to repeat his actions, his excitement rubbing off on him.


Everybody froze from the voice that was calling his name. The atmosphere soon became uncomfortable, nobody wanting to turn around to see the face that belonged to the voice.

Jackson, being the only one to snap out of his daze, whirled around with a look of anger on his face.

"Why are you here?" Jackson spat, not bothering to be his usual sweet self. He was honestly so sick of this very person that he just couldn't stand the fact that he was here.

"iKon is competing too..." Ju-ne awkwardly stated, avoiding Jackson's glares. Jinyoung rolled his eyes and pulled Mark away from the scene, afraid that he was going to break at any second. It was never fun seeing someone who broke your heart and almost your whole friend group.

"Wait Mark!" Ju-ne called out, trying to walk over to him. With Jackson standing there though, there was no passing him. Ju-ne broke everybody and Jackson wasn't going to let that happen again.

"Stay away from him." Jackson growled, not breaking eye contact with a now cocky Ju-ne.

"Yeah, what if I don't?" Ju-ne threatened, a smirk spreading across his face. Jackson's blood started to boil and he knew if he didn't walk away, he was going to end up throwing hands at the giant.

As soon as Jackson started to turn around, he was pushed to the ground.

"Oh for fuck." Jackson mumbled and immediately stood up, pushing the younger back 10x harder.

That's when things went downhill.

Ju-ne threw the first punch, landing his fist right in Jackson's cheek.

Fuck fuck fuck that hurt but momma Wang didn't raise no bitch!

Jackson dodged the next swing and kneed him right in the stomach, earning a loud groan.
Ju-ne wasn't backing down though. He kept swinging and swing and swinging, until Yugyeom came up and pushed him to the side.

"Hyung are you okay?" Yugyeom ushered, seeing a bruise that was already starting to form on his cheek. Jackson nodded his head and looked around Yugyeom.

"Where is Jinyoung and all them?" Yugyeom widened his eyes and realized he didn't even know where the rest of his friends were. He went to go get some food that they were giving out and then he came back to Jackson fighting a dick.

"I'm sure they went back up to their room to change for the awards ceremony."

Jackson nodded his head and intertwined his hand with the maknae, both walking back to their rooms.

this is so poorly written && I really do promise that the next chapter will be so good that it will have everybody quaking. There's a couple ways I want this book to go in buuuut I dunno yet. It's either going to be fluff or angst.

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