♡Exes & Crushes♡

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"Mark Hyung holy shit he asked me to live with him!" Jinyoung exclaimed, taking a quick sip from his hot chocolate. Mark's eyes widened and choked onto his coffee, the liquid going everywhere. Jinyoung rolled his eyes and cleaned up the olders mess, giving him time to think and breathe.

"What did you say?" Mark leaned closer to the younger, wanting to know every single detail. He didn't have a boyfriend at the moment so he absolutely lived for any one of his friends romance stories.

"Well...of course I said yes. I mean Jackson is the love of my life...how could I say no?" Jinyoung began to get flustered as Mark adoringly stared at the boy.

"That's.so.cute.i.literally.cant." Mark took unnecessary pauses between each word, causing Jinyoung to playfully push the boys shoulder. Mark chuckled and folded his hands, thinking about when they would finally get married. Let's just say that Mark is Jinson's biggest shipper.

"I'm really happy for you guys. I'm glad-oh god I'm going to cry aren't I?" Mark felt tears streaming down his face and soon he was full on sobbing. Jinyoung stared at the crying boy, too shocked to even say or do anything.

Finally, Jinyoung's motherly side kicked in and he was by Marks side in a heartbeat. He consoled the older, knowing damn well that Mark wasn't crying happy tears anymore.

"Why are you crying?" Jinyoung questioned in the most soothing voice ever. Just hearing his voice, Mark began to relax a little but the unwanted thoughts came back and he cried once again. He truly wanted to be happy for the couple but it just reminded him of the person he swore he would never speak of ever again.

"Just...I don't-I...I miss him." Mark finally got out, Jinyoung knowing who exactly his best friend was talking about. Feeling embarrassed, Mark dropped his head and melted into Jinyoung's arms.

"Don't worry about that jerk, he isn't worth your time Mark Hyung. You honestly could do sooooo much better." Jinyoung rubbed his back as he spoke the comforting words in Mark's ear.

"I-I know but-"

"No buts! That's it, I'm getting you a boyfriend!" Jinyoung perked up, smiling so big that his eyes looked like crescent moons. Mark wiped away the tears and hesitantly looked at Jinyoung. He eventually nodded his head and chugged his coffee, ready to get rid of the ugly thoughts he was having of Ju-ne.

"Let's start off easy. Who's your roommate?" Jinyoung questioned, realizing that he actually didn't know who was rooming with his friend. Mark's face brightened up from the thought of his roommate, which Jinyoung quickly caught on too.

"Ah he's this short little cutie. He's so...wow. We are actually pretty good friends and has the cutest laugh." Mark rambled, thinking about the boy who's laugh plays over and over in his head.

"Well who is he?" Jinyoung urged, dying to know who the cutie was. Obviously, Mark didn't like him enough to go out with him, just an innocent crush. So, if Jinyoung made his way and fixed the two, he was sure he could hear wedding bells.

"Byun Baekhyun."


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