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Jackson paced back and forth as he waited for his phone to go off, signaling that everything was working out. As time went by, Jackson only got more frustrated and slammed himself onto his bed, not being able to be patient any longer.

"This little rat better call before I-"

Lip and Hip by Hyuna suddenly went off and Jackson scrambled up to get to his phone and answer right away.



But I don't have any...condoms.


That's gross Hyung.

I-Okay I'm just hanging up."

Jackson shuddered and laid back down, wishing that Jinyoung was next to him. Unfortunately, he was out with Youngjae to look for new clothes or something like that.

Getting bored, he decided to actually do something with his life. So, Jackson went straight to his laptop and typed in something both boys have been putting off.


Right away, all different kinds of apartment complex's popped up and let's just say Jackson felt pretty overwhelmed. There were just so many to choose from and Jackson had no idea where to even start.

"Aish definitely something luxurious for my prince." Jackson sighed, beginning to daydream about what it would be like to actually live with Jinyoung.

Sleepovers were one thing, but Jackson wanted to know what Jinyoung did every second of the day. He wanted somewhere private to love Jinyoung without one of the other guys interrupting them. Jackson just wanted to wake up and fall asleep to Jinyoung's cute face every single day.

After an hour of scrolling through apartments, Jackson began to get tired and headed straight for his bed. Before taking a quick nap, he text Jinyoung a sweet and simple text.

   Wang Puppy🐶
  Hey, text me when you're coming back. I miss my baby♡♡

And with that, Jackson closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep with Jinyoung lingering in his mind.

Minutes later, Kunpimook was shoved into their room by an aggressive Yugyeom. He sucked his neck and pushed him towards the bed, Kunpimook letting a small whimper slip past his lips. Giving Yugyeom more access to his neck, Kunpimook turned his face.

"Oh shit!" He yelled and quickly pushed off Yugyeom before it escalated any further. Yugyeom furrowed his eyebrows and grunted, thinking that his boyfriend was just playing hard to get at the moment.

"Come on Baby! Why'd you push me off?" The younger whined, crawling back on top of the older. Kunpimook rolled his eyes and flipped Yugyeom over to now he was on top. Only this excited the younger even more.

Kunpimook saw the look in his eyes and turned the boys face, hearing a small gasp come from the youngers lips. Yugyeom mouthed a sorry and sat up with Kunpimook sitting on his lap.

"What a bummer...wanna go to my room?" Kunpimook snorted and got off Yugyeom's lap, making his way towards Jackson's laptop. He always enjoyed snooping through the boys things to see if he could find anyway to blackmail Jackson in the near future. Nothing serious, Kunpimook just wanted to have Jackson call him master and obey the younger.

As soon as he opened the laptop, Kunpimook smiled when he saw that Jackson was looking for apartments. He motioned for Yugyeom to come over and come look.

"He's looking for apartments?"

"Yeah...why don't we just ya know help out!"

"Oo yeah! We can find an apartment for him and leave it up."

"Good idea Gyomie...knowing Jackson, he's loves expensive things so obviously the place has to be hands down luxurious." Kunpimook started to scroll through the selection. This only made him want to move out and in with Yugyeom. Just imagine all the sex they could have without someone telling them to shut it.

"Oo what about this one?" Yugyeom pointed his finger at a picture, urging the older to click it. Kunpimook widened his eyes as he read the description and scrolled through the pictures.

"Three bedrooms and two bathrooms? Gyomie look at how nice this is oh my god!" Kunpimook fanboyed, slightly getting louder with each word. Yugyeom chuckled and kissed the boys lips so he would pipe down, which in fact did work.

With one click, Kumpimook saved the page just in case Jackson clicked out of it. He interlocked his hands with his lover and ran to Yugyeom's room, getting excited and immediately stripping as soon as they get inside.

"Someone's a little excited."

•teamwork from my fave

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