♡Innocent Foreplay♡

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Jinyoung sighed in frustration, trying to make the painting straight. With his luck, it just ended up being crooked and made his OCD even worse. Jackson came out from their room and silently chuckled as he watched the younger struggle. Deciding that he had enough, Jackson ran over to Jinyoung and hugged Jinyoung from behind.

"hey baby~" Jackson kissed Jinyoung's neck and brought him over to the couch.

"Aish I have to finish decorating!" Jinyoung abruptly stood up but was quickly pulled down onto the couch. The younger glared at the boy but gave up, not having enough patience to disagree with him right now. Jackson smiled and made his way towards the painting, tilting it to the left until it was perfectly straight.

Jinyoung's mouth hung open, gazing at the boy who fixed the problem in less then a second while it took him ten minutes to make it crooked.

"You just need to relax babes...want me to make you some-"

"If you say organic smoothie, so god help you."

"Isn't it so god help me?"

"No, why would god need to help me when I would be the one getting you...you need god." Jinyoung mumbled, avoiding Jackson's glare.

"Fine...do you want chocolate then?" Jinyoung snapped his head towards the older with a smile on his face, excited by the idea of chocolate. He bounded his way over to their kitchen and eyed Jackson's hand who was indeed holding the promised chocolate.

As Jinyoung reached out to take some, Jackson smirked and pulled away. Jinyoung pouted and whined, his mouth watering just by looking at the chocolate. Let's just say that chocolate is definitely Jinyoung's weakness. Puckering his lips, Jackson sweetly but quietly asked for a kiss from his lover in exchange for the chocolate.

Jinyoung rolled his eyes but eventually gave in, giving Jackson a gentle kiss on his lips. As their lips collided, Jinyoung sneakily grabbed the chocolate and ran to the couch.

"HEEYY!" Jackson yelled, stomping his foot and pouting his lips like a baby. Jinyoung chuckled and teasingly big into the chocolate bar, letting a small moan slip out.

Oh for fucks sake...

Jackson widened his eyes and turned around, ignoring Jinyoung's tiny moans. As soon as Jinyoung took the third bite and purposely let out a louder moan, Jackson threw off his shirt and made his way to the couch, pinning the younger to the cushions.

"You think that's funny huh?" Jackson growled in a deep tone, slightly scaring the other. Well, Jinyoung already made his move so he couldn't back down now.

"What's funny?" Jinyoung innocently questioned, trying his best not to smirk. If he was going to be honest, this was Jinyoung's favorite type of foreplay and Jackson couldn't disagree either. Although, Jackson loved when Jinyoung took control too.

The two just stared at each other. This time, it was just straight up lust. Since living in the dorms, they couldn't do a lot since they had roommates and they were honestly just too loud. Now that that they had their own place and it was the summer, Jinson could do as much as they want.

As loud as they want.

•oop smut in the next part

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