♡Sweet & Passionate♡

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"Ah can we take a break? We haven't had one since like LAST WEEK!" Kumpimook threw his arms up, exhausted from working his body day and night. Jaebum snapped around with a glare aiming at Kumpimook, but quickly softened once he took in everybody's state.

Jackson was bent over, hands on his knees, and on the verge of passing out. Jinyoung was whispering things into his ear but Jaebum can clearly see how tired the boy was.

Youngjae was turned around with his hands on his hips, trying his best to control his breathing and not make a scene. He didn't want to be the one that Jaebum felt bad for just because he was his boyfriend and end the practice right there.

Yugyeom stood there quietly, avoiding Jaebum's gaze and just counted in his head. Somehow, this always seemed to help him breathe.

Meanwhile, Mark was trying to calm down Kumpimook who was absolutely raging. Mark was in the same position as Jinyoung was, caring for a close one but also highly dying at the same time. Between words, Mark was panting and sweating his cute butt off.

Jaebum sighed and shook his head, realizing that overworking the boys was obviously not the way to victory or perfection.

"Ah I'm sorry guys. You all did really good tonight so I want everybody to go back home and just rest. We have two more days left to rehearse so I want everybody back here tomorrow at 9."

All six boys nodded and sat on the floor trying to calm their nerves. Each of them downed at least two water bottles without taking any time to even breath.

"I can't believe we're competing this Saturday...let me tell ya, that day will be hectic." Jinyoung whispered to Jackson, who now was laying down and had a wet rag on his forehead. Jackson chuckled and slightly nodded his head, taking in deep breaths.

"Well, me and Gyeomie are heading out now so bye guys!" Kumpimook dabbed at the end as they walked out the door, causing Youngjae to giggle and Jaebum to shake his head. Yugyeom adoringly stared at his boyfriend and ruffled his hair, a small "heyyy" coming from the olders plump lips.

Jinyoung smiled at the two youngest and looked back at Jackson to find him peacefully sleeping. He pouted his lips and whispered his name in Jackson's ear.

"Jackson?" Jinyoung raised his voice a little when he wasn't getting up. Jackson wasn't that much of a heavy sleeper and usually woke up to Jinyoung's sweet talk.

The said boy lightly shook at Jackson's shoulder, who didn't even flinch or make a sound.

"Jackson!" He now was screaming his name, viciously shaking the boy. Jaebum, Youngjae, and Mark's attention was brought to the two boys on the floor and rushed over to them.

Mark quickly checked his pulse, fortunately it was there but very slow.

"Get some water and we can splash some on his face?" Jaebum barked but also questioned at the same time. In a situation like this, Im Jaebum was totally unsure of what to do.

Jinyoung held his unconscious boyfriends hand and felt tears threatening to spill out. Youngjae came back with freezing water and took no time to unscrew the cap and pour water onto his Hyung.

Jackson shot up with wild eyes, unsure of what was happening and why his face was so wet. He looked around and when his eyes met with his boyfriend, his heart broke.

"Baby why are you crying?" Jackson cooed, wiping his tears away and cupping his face. That's when Jinyoung let out a broken sob and engulfed Jackson with a hug.

All three boys took this as a hint to leave and left the keys behind for the two to lock up the studio. The two were now left alone, one crying boy and one worried one.

"Y-you were u-unconscious and it just...it just really s-scared me." Jinyoung sobbed, his voice breaking at the end. Jackson widened his eyes but continued to hug the boy, sliding his hand up and down his back.

"I'm okay baby. I'm here now and I'm fine. Please stop crying." Jackson felt tears well up in his eyes as he saw how worried Jinyoung was for him. He didn't like seeing people cry, let alone the love of his life.

"Alright alright...I'm okay." Jinyoung took one deep breath and pulled away from Jackson, a soft smile appearing on his face. Jackson leaned in and kissed Jinyoung's lips.

A sweet and passionate kiss.


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