♡Morning Makeout Sessions♡

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Jackson woke up with the biggest smile on his face. Not only was it the last day of university, but it was also the day where him and Jinyoung can finally move into their new apartment. To say Jackson is excited is clearly an understatement.

Beaming with happiness, Jackson jumped out of bed and made his way towards the bathroom, taking his morning shower and doing all that was needed for him to look good for the day.

"Jackson Hyung!" Kunpimook groaned on the other side of the door, complaining that Jackson was taking too long. It has been twenty minutes since he got in and Kunpimook only had ten to get ready.

Jackson chuckled and opened the door, laughing even harder when he saw the younger. His hair was all disheveled, eyes were glossy, his neck was covered with purple and red marks made by Yugyeom, and he still had last nights clothes on.

"Someone had fun last night?" Kunpimook scoffed and rolled his eyes, ignoring his comment and pushing past the older. Jackson snickered and picked out some clothes, deciding to wear a black snap back, black muscle-tee, black skinny jeans, and black converses. Finishing the look off with earrings, a silver chain, and black sunglasses.

Before leaving, he looked at himself in the mirror and smirked

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Before leaving, he looked at himself in the mirror and smirked. "Today is going to be a good day." And with that, he popped in his earbuds and headed for his boyfriends dorm.

"hey baby!" Jinyoung cooed, giving Jackson a swift peck on the cheek and grabbing his bag before closing the door. Jackson checked out his lover and couldn't help but bite his lip.

Jinyoung was definitely dressed to impress today. He wore a black turtleneck shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, black leather jacket with pins on the collar, and black timberlands. He styled his hair very nice and wore thin black eyeliner.

"You look just wow

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"You look just wow." Jackson breathed out, barely able to control himself. Jinyoung chuckled and shook his head, avoiding Jackson's lustful but also loving gaze. That's when an idea popped into mind.

Taking out his keys to lock his dorm even though Yugyeom was rushing like a mad man to get ready, Jinyoung "accidentally" dropped the keys. He slowly bent to pick them up, making sure to take his good old time so Jackson can get a view of his peach.

As soon as Jinyoung came up, Jackson had him pinned up against the door and attacking his neck with kisses. Jinyoung fought back a moan until Jackson found his soft spot and bit down onto it hard. Jinyoung swiped his tongue across Jackson's lip, asking for entrance which he immediately got. Both boys fought for dominance until Jinyoung finally gave up and let Jackson take control. Jackson grazed his unfortunately covered up member against Jinyoung's, making both boys let out a soft moan.

All of a sudden, the door opened up behind them, making both boys to stumble onto Yugyeom, resulting all three to end up on the floor.

"Aish I'm late so get off of me!" Yugyeom growled, pushing everybody off of him. The tall maknae got up in a hurry and ran down the hall, trying to catch up with Kunpimook who most likely left without him.

The two lovebirds who were sprawled out in the ground laid in each other's arms in silence. That was until they made eye contact and erupted into a fit of giggles.

"Ah we should get going or we are going to be late." Jackson got up and held out his hand for the other to take, pulling him into one more kiss and interlocking their hands, proceeding to walk to their class.

•4 more chapters until the end, ignore me while I cry

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