♡In Love Lies♡

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"Bam...are you still awake?"


"I have a question."

"What's up?"

"Do you think Jinyoung would ever...hurt me?"

Kunpimook abruptly sat up from his bed and stared across the room, wondering what the hell he going on about. Yeah, Jackson was completely wasted and probably didn't know what he was saying but still. It surprised the younger immensely.

"I don't think Jinyoung Hyung actually has the heart to hurt you. I mean he's absolutely in love with you." Kunpimook softly whispered, trying to calm the older.

"Yeah bu-but..." Jackson trailed off, lost in his drunken thoughts. He wish he didn't have them but he did. Jackson thought of all the worse things that could happen between both boys but that's just his drunken mind taking over.

"Wait Hyung where is this coming from?" Kunpimook was now worried and jumped into Jackson's bed so now both boys were cuddling. He didn't think Jinyoung was like that but he didn't know what goes on behind closed doors.

"Well...re-remember when I called Ja-Jaebum Hyung Daddy?" Jackson slurred. Kunpimook nodded his head, letting the brunette know to go on.

"I guess Jinyoungie got mad and he said to me in a really dark voice Daddy will be pu-punishing you later." Jackson cried the last part out, resting his face onto the crook of Bam's neck.

Hearing those words, Bam chuckled and shook his head. He totally wasn't expecting Jinyoung to be a kinky little shit.

"Jackson Hyung...he meant like oh god...he meant rough sex dude!"

And with that, Jackson squealed and rushed out of bed, leaving Kunpimook dazed and confused.

"Wh-where are you going?"

"Jinyoungie's room."

"Ew." Bam's mumbled and slowly got out of bed. That's when he realized Yugyeom was Jinyoung's roommate and that drunk Jackson wouldn't care if someone was there.

"Aish can you at least send Gyeomie in here?"

"Of coursssssse!" Jackson hissed, stumbling over shoes and his own feet. Bam chuckled as he watched the mess in front of him and decided to help him.

"Thank youu Bammie!" Jackson chirped, opening his door and running to Jinyoung's room.

Jackson knocked three times until a half awake Jinyoung opened the door. His eyes widen as he saw the drunken state Jackson was in. He must've stayed behind with Kunpimook and drank more.

"Do I get my punishment now, daddy?"

Jinyoung's eyes basically popped out of his head as the words stumbled out of Jackson's mouth. He wasn't really expecting Jackson to remember what he said, let alone act on it. It was just the alcohol talking, not Jinyoung himself.

"Baby why don't we just cuddle, Yeah?" Jinyoung took Jackson by his hand and brought the boy inside. There's no way he would have sex with Jackson when he was this drunk. He probably wouldn't even remember it.

"But no rough sex?"

"Okay I'm leaving." Yugyeom suddenly said and got up. Jinyoung jumped at the sound of Yugyeom's voice and widened his eyes. He thought he was asleep, guess not.

"Oh yesh, Ku-kin-kunpikooooooook"

"Babe just stick with Bam for right now." Jinyoung chuckled, finding it cute how drunk Jackson couldn't pronounce Kunpimook's name. Jackson viscously nodded his head and beamed a smile.

"Bam wanted you to go over to his room."

"Was planning on it anyway." Yugyeom mumbled, not happy that he was woken up with Jackson's request for rough sex. Yes, he was sleeping until Jackson's loud hyena laugh from down the hall erupted and woke him up.


Jinyoung covered his mouth, immediately shushing the boy up. He waited for Yugyeom to leave and lead Jackson to his bed, letting him lay down first.

Like the gentleman he was, Jinyoung slipped Jackson's mix matches shoes off and took of his sweatshirt, knowing that Jackson likes to sleep with it off. He covered him with blankets and then slipped underneath the covers. Jinyoung slid his arm around Jackson's waist and pulled him closer to his body, making the two cuddle.

"I'm in love with y-you Jinyoungie." Jackson whispered. Jinyoung's eyes widened and his cheeks started to heat up. For the three years that they had been dating and saying I love you, not once had they said that they were in love with each other.

Jinyoung figured it was just the alcohol talking, but if he's going to be truthful to himself, his heart started to beat really fast when he heard those six words come out of Jackson's pretty little mouth.

"I love...I love you too." Jinyoung sighed out, wishing what Jackson actually said was true.

before I go further into this story, it's been three years since the last book.

Yugyeom and BamBam are in their first year of college.
Youngjae in his second.
Jinyoung, Jackson, & Jaebum in their third.
Mark in his last.

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